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關於Helen Belot Sekhem | 2015.10.25
Helen Belot女士是Sekhem的創始導師,她在1980年代接觸了能量療癒後,想起自己前世在古代的廟宇中曾是大祭司的回憶,在1990年代重新將Sekhem介紹給這個時代,Helen Belot女士並以不斷更新這個系統以適應現代社會的需求作為自己今生的主要任務,
Sekhem與靈氣(Reiki)及賽芊(Seichim)不同的是,Sekhem是一種被引導來的能量,它能夠療癒所有層級的問題,足以被稱為終極的療癒(ultimate healing).Sekhem目前已經慢慢浮出水面,現在以幫助所有的人們能夠快速簡單的改變他們自己的能量震幅,並幫助人類與地球到達更高的提升目標.
來自澳大利亞的Sekhem創始導師Helen Belot女士直接開發並積極引導Sekhem這個系統,並將學習Sekhem的所有知識與實踐其技巧的階段分成四個基礎階段:第一階段課程.第二階課程.進階課程與導師課程.
Helen Belot女士的Sekhem系統的能量是非常講究平衡的,並且同時擁有女性溫柔與慈愛的一面,在過去的兩千五百多年間,人類失去了男性與女性的平衡,Sekhem可以使其回復平衡,不僅於男女的性別之間的平衡,Sekhem也可以快速且方便的提供每個獨立的個體幫助.
女神賽克麥特( Sekhmet)在埃及的意思是"力量"或"權杖"之意,祂護衛著Sekhem的崇高能量並相互連結.
About Sekhem
Sekhem is the modern day version of an ancient system of wisdom taught in the temples of early Egyptian times. At the time, the word Sekhem was not related directly with healing but to a higher state of consciousness. The ancient Egyptian meaning of Sekhem related to the state of consciousness equivalent to the all-knowingness of the first three days of the Afterlife which the Tibetans called the “Bardo” and the ancient Egyptians called the “Sekhem”.
Helen Belot Sekhem Master Teacher After being introduced to energy healing in the 1980’s, Helen Belôt who has memories of herself as a High Priest in the very early temples, reintroduced Sekhem to the modern world in the 1990’s in an updated system to suit today’s current conditions thus completing a task she was incarnated to do in this lifetime.
Different from Reiki and Seichim, Sekhem is a channelled energy that heals on all levels and can be best described as ultimate healing. Sekhem has surfaced now to assist humanity to change their vibrational rate quickly and easily so that both mankind and the earth may ascend to their higher purpose.
The knowledge and practice of Sekhem is taught by Australia based Helen Belôt who was energetically directed to develop Sekhem and offers it in the form of four levels: One, Two, Advanced, and Masters. The courses are designed to provide individuals with an insight into how to access and use Sekhem energy for the purposes of self healing, healing of others, personal transformation, and personal development. Successful participants in the Master classes will hopefully conduct their own Sekhem courses and provide the unique experience of Sekhem to many others.
A word of warning if you have learnt a similar sounding course to Sekhem and the initiation was done by the absentee method, be aware that you are connected to that teacher and it is NOT this Sekhem that you have learnt.
Sekhem is an ongoing energy system that changes and develops as individuals and the mass consciousness can support those changes. It has the highest vibration of the healing systems.
There is a clarity, purity and gentleness to this energy that is truly amazing. At the same time it is awe inspiring in the results it brings, for it works instantaneously on the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Sekhem reacts specifically to you and your intentions for the use of this energy and what you ask for is what you get. Practitioners claim that Sekhem is the “parent” of all hands on energy healing systems.
Helen Belot SekhemThe energy is very balanced and has a gentle loving aspect that currently is attributed to being feminine. Over the last two and a half thousand years, mankind has lost the balance of male and female and Sekhem provides for a return of that balance, not just between the sexes but within each individual and Sekhem helps us to do this very quickly and with great ease.
Sekhem works on a totally different concept and philosophy to other energy healing systems and although there are some similar sounding systems, none can compare with this high vibrational energy that works at the very soul level. It assists you to take responsibility for your life, to heal, to grow both personally and spiritually and so you become more of who you really are.
The Goddess Sekhmet whose name means “power” or “might” has come to be associated with SEKHEM as a guardian who protects this sublime energy.
《古埃及能量療法 Helen Belot Sekhem課程》
《關於Helen Belot Sekhem》
《SEKHEM 生命之光-靈性的進化》
《古埃及能量療法Helen Belot Sekhem學員心得》
《靈氣療法》 《能量治療》 《影片採訪》 《研究紀錄》 《中醫隨筆》 《知命識命》
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- 【靈氣】土居裕老師的專訪(上)
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- 【能量】HelenBelotSekhem(古埃及能量)
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- 【影片】澳洲 Channel 7 新聞-靈氣與癌症
- 【影片】2018靈氣國際研討會紀實
- 【影片】英國BBC節目介紹-靈氣治療
- 【影片】美國ABC新聞介紹-靈氣與自閉症
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- 【影片】奧茲博士.介紹靈氣並示範
《轉載摘錄請標示出處/本站成立於2003年12月 》
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