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【靈氣】遠距離點化/啟動(Distant Attunements)有效果嗎?  |  2018.08.25

William Lee Rand

本篇文章乃是翻譯自"國際靈氣訓練中心(The International Center for Reiki Training)"其中一篇的文章,作者是威廉。李。連先生。身為卡魯那靈氣的創始者,他對於西方國家時下靈氣教導的亂象提出了一些中肯的建議,這是其中一篇對於遙距點化的評論與建議,非常值得一看。

by William Lee Rand

有一些人詢問我有關於學習靈氣使用遠距離點化/啟動(Distant Attunements)的問題,並希望向我詢問更多相關的訊息。

在此指的是讓人們透過包括從書籍,DVD或網路接收遠距離點化/啟動(Distant Attunements)的方式。正如我在過去所說的那樣,我建議遠距離啟動(Distant Attunements)靈氣,應該審慎的僅被視為一種實驗的過程與方式。雖然有一些接受過遠距離點化/啟動(Distant Attunements)的人回饋說他們藉此獲得了利益,但是以遠距離點化/啟動獲得靈氣能力的方式並不可靠。

因為透過遠距離點化/啟動(Distant Attunements)的人所接收到的靈氣是不完整的。



擁有超視覺能力的人們表示,雖然遠距離點化靈氣(Distant Attunements)的過程中對學生會發生某些程度的影響;但是有些方面只能透過導師親自以肉體接觸學生的手,頸部和頭部等來傳遞並達到調整的效果。肉體的觸碰傳遞了重要的能量,並完整建立了學生執行靈氣的能力。

此外,遠距離點化/啟動(Distant Attunements)會使得其他重要的頻率與震幅被遺漏在外,這將會使得學生接受靈氣能量與實際使用靈氣的狀況不同。

請記得靈氣的創始人臼井甕男博士、林忠次郎醫師與高田女士教學時並沒有使用遠距離點化/啟動(Distant Attunements),日本的臼井靈氣學會也沒有這麼做。此外我與來自世界各地最具有聲望且經驗豐富的靈氣大師們討論過這個想法,並且都一致同意遠距離點化/啟動(Distant Attunements)不能取代親自給予學生的儀式。


《想學習HolyFire® Ⅲ 聖火靈氣®?中心的靈氣課程都包含在內了。》
《2019 William Lee Rand in台北.聖火靈氣分享會》
《大師訪談:威廉.李連(William Lee Rand) 大師》
《與威廉.李連大師William Lee Rand 的會面》
《遠距離點化/啟動(Distant Attunements)有效果嗎?》

Are Distant Attunements Effective ?

by William Lee Rand

Some people have been doing distant Reiki attunements to initiate students into the use of Reiki and have asked me for more information on this subject. I am referring to giving people the ability to use Reiki by using a distant attunement. This also includes receiving an attunement from a book, from a DVD, or over the Internet. As I said in the past, it is my recommendation that distant Reiki attunements for initiation should only be considered an experimental process. While some who have received distant attunements report receiving benefit from the experience, a distant attunement is not a reliable way to receive the ability to do Reiki. Distant attunements do not provide the complete benefit that one is meant to receive by being initiated into the system of Reiki healing.

This information is based on several considerations including: clairvoyant observation by skilled sensitives, on interviews with those who have received distant attunements and compared them with attunements received in person and also based on the opinion of some of the most experienced and respected Reiki teachers from around the world.

Clairvoyant observation indicates that while some affect takes place from a distant Reiki initiation attunement; there are aspects of an attunement that can only be transmitted by being in the physical presence of the teacher and by the teacher physically touching the hands, the neck and head etc of the student. The physical touch transmits important energy that fully establishes the ability to do Reiki in the student. In addition, other important frequencies are left out of distant attunements and what the Reiki student receives is not the same as what is intended for those who practice Reiki.

Remember that the founders of Reiki, namely Dr. Mikao Usui, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi and Mrs. Takata did not give distant attunements and neither does the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Japan. Furthermore, I have discussed this idea with the most reputable and experienced Reiki masters from around the world and all agree that distant attunements should not take the place of an attunement given in person. Because of this, I recommend that those wanting to receive Reiki initiation do so by taking a class in person from a reputable Reiki teacher.



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    宇謙老師 【作者:宇謙老師】
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