純淨的SEKHEM能量  |  2017.01.10

Helen Belot女士

本文敘述了Helen Belot女士對於保持SEKHEM能量純淨的看法。


Helen Belot,同時也是Sekhem的創始人告訴Daleena Samara為甚麼她會如此努力的維護她所發現的這個純淨又強大的療癒的系統。

我聽說她已生病了,因為對於地球的高強度的療癒對於她的身體造成了傷害。但我所遇到的女人看起來並不像是一個虛弱的光的光作者。這裡有些關於堅強的Helen Belot是你在首次接觸她時無法在第一時間注意到的。在香港中環的瑜珈療癒中心裡,從她專注的眼神,銀色的短髮.絲綢短裙上身著花外套的外表看來,偉大的Sekhem創始導師,看起來卻就像是普通人家的女長者一樣。

Helen Belot是第一個引導 Sekhem符號至世上的人,這是出現在Reiki和Seichem的鼎盛時期的一個宇宙能量療癒系統。他從童年時期便與大家格格不入,從來就不適合於任何社會群體,包含自己的家庭。



根據Helen所說,埃及是所有的徒手能量療癒與靈性療癒系統的根源.Sekhem是一種引導來的能量,意味著療癒師透過身體傳遞能量,並將其傳遞給他人。Helen聲稱她是地球上最純粹的宇宙療癒能量。以最高的型態,Sekhem是如此純淨的能量,是所有能量的來根源,並且是所有生命的起源之點。宇宙能量通常與特定的神性相互關聯,因此Sekhem相關的神是埃及女神Sekhmet,據說是Isis的化身。 在古代,她是埃及的療癒女神。然而在今天,她更被稱為是變革的女神,這意味著古老的將毀壞,或是引置新的方法進來。Helen強調,Sekhem的能量與Sekhmet女神並不完全相同,但是祂幫助人類與能量的根源相互連結。



今天Helen用此生致力於療癒地球本身,這種活動大量的消耗了自己的生命能量,據說也削弱了她的身體。 她說她病了,雖然她不去看這個部分。


能量療癒基於物質不變定律與愛因斯坦的相對論公式:E = mc²。質量 - 甚至物體,如岩石,土壤,肌肉和骨骼 - 只不過是由特定振動頻率保持在一起的能量束。 頻率越高,即振動越快,質量也因此越不冷凝。固態的物體透過低頻率的能量振動形成。而人體是由不同振動頻率的能量組合而成。

Helen說這些療癒系統在古埃及、甚至在今天的西藏實行。雖然使用宇宙能量療癒的技巧與方式眾多,像是氣功療癒或是印度瑜珈的般尼克療法(pranic healing)等等能量,它們都是以引導高於這個行星的神性能量,其高震幅能量已超出普通人類的範圍。療癒師透過導師的啟動儀式,或是透過神性的瑜珈氣功或是冥想,藉調整自己的能量震幅到達非常高的水準,以此來發展這些能量的能力,藉以成為他們自身的力量‧


當心靈開始對通常莫名的事情提出質疑時,就創造了一個阻礙的區塊。 雖然這並不意味著理性在能量的轉變中沒有地位,但有時候它必須站在一邊,讓位給未知的事務。 讓自己的心佔在給予駕駛員的位置,我們應該讓理性的頭腦進入乘客的模式,不斷提醒自己但是卻也相信內心的智慧。



在她的書“The Sekhem Story”(2005,Joshua Books)中,Helen強調了引導渠道的清晰與開放的重要性,因為它對所提供的能量的純淨度有影響。隨著能量透過其通道之後,它可能會拾取療癒師本身情緒的痕跡,她寫道。

她甚至警告學生應當慎選你的Sekhem導師。 就像一般的商業交易一樣,這是買方本來就需要小心的情況 - 在購買他們的服務之前應該先了解你的老師。以確保你的導師是一個言行如一的人。

她已經將她的名字Helen Belo加入到了Sekhem療癒體系的名稱中,藉此以保持她創建的系統的純度,特別是當她發現一些Sekhem導師的老師在療癒過程中添加了新的符號。而這些人他們虛假地聲稱她已授權使用這些新的符號。

“許多人給我發送符號,”這是我在做 Sekhem或在我的冥想時給我的。有些人在使用Sekhem時使用這些符號,聲稱我已經批准了這些新的符號,並將它們納入了Sekhem的療癒系統。這可能不是真的,因為在療癒期間有時這些的符號可能只適合他們正在工作的人或療癒者自己; 並不是對每個人都有好處,“她說。


她持續於關注並保持Sekhem系統的純度,因為這是最大限度發揮其潛力的唯一方法。 Sekhem是如此純淨的能量,它的能量來自所有的療癒能量的根源,她說。 有些人拿起它的一部分(源能量),並用它去做了不同的課程。



“每一個課程的級別唯有通過堅持基礎的療癒技術與符號的能量,才能將其潛力最大化。Sekhem是一個非常高的能量震幅。它比許多其他的療癒能量可以的做的更多。有趣的是,它可以做一些非常高的事情 - 我稱之為療癒的終極 - 像是醫療專業有困難或不能做的事情,或是客戶(被療癒者)所不能做到的事情教學的基礎最重要的在於第一級的課程,這就是為什麼我堅持第一級是如此重要,並以這種方式做,“她說。

Helen聲稱,Sekhem是純粹的靈性,而不是一種宗教。“我相信很多宗教是陽剛的。男人對它有很多限制。就像已經有很多人以上帝的名義使用武力。 Sekhem繞過這些個東西。因為這是一個完全不同的背景和哲學。“她說。

Sekhem在幫助大眾的集體意識朝向純粹靈性的轉變中發揮著作用。“這是一種生命的能量,因為它隨著時代的需要而變化。隨著群眾意識的改變,Sekhem將支持新的事物。它將會有越來越多的發展。它現在已經改變了 - 現在所來臨的的Sekhem能量重點在於靈性 - 人們對於他們的身體的轉變有著一種新的理解來到,這將給他們更大的理解和能力與這種療癒能量偕同工作。



事實上,一位非常有經驗的療癒師不會去使用符號。 他們可以隨意召喚各種形式的能量。 他們專注的感受或思想足以呼叫強大的能量。 然而,使用符號仍然可用於特定的狀況。 “但是,當你進行療癒時,一個特定的震幅的療癒能量將通過,這就是 Sekhem”她補充說。


© - 2005,Daleena Samarajiwa。

Daleena是一位轉變瑜伽的導師,並擁有自然療癒系統的資格,包括NLP,般尼克療癒,Sekhem,擴大療癒,三位一體療癒系統和斯里蘭卡的傳統療癒系統的認證。 她也是一個作家,編輯和藝術家.

《古埃及能量療法 Helen Belot Sekhem課程》
《關於Helen Belot Sekhem》
《SEKHEM 生命之光-靈性的進化》
《古埃及能量療法Helen Belot Sekhem學員心得》


Helen Belot, Grand Master of Sekhem, tells Daleena Samara why she is working hard to preserve the purity of the powerful healing system that she founded.

I had heard that she was ill; intensive healing work for the planet Earth had taken a toll on her body. But the woman I met did not look like a frail lightworker. There was something steely about Helen Belot that you can’t help noticing in the first minutes of meeting her. It could have been in her purposeful eyes, kind though they seemed against her silvery bob. Dressed in a flowered coat over a silk chemise in the yoga room of the Healing Circle in Central, Hong Kong, the Grand Master of the great Sekhem legacy could have been any matriarch.

It was Helen who first channeled the symbols of Sekhem, a cosmic energy healing system that surfaced in the heyday of Reiki and Seichem. She had been an outsider from childhood – never quite fitting into any social group including her own family. Later, as an adult, she had a near-death experience during which she found herself in a place of great love and understanding, seated amidst a group of ethereal beings who discussed a soul mission on earth that she had not yet accomplished. And so she was reconnected to a distant past that superceded the boundaries of the lifetime she had just left. She returned to complete the mission. When she regained consciousness on the operating theatre, she found herself looking up at the surgeon who piped: “Decided to come back to us, have you?” She still doesn’t know for how long she had been clinically dead.

Little by little, trying life circumstances aligned her with a distant past that spanned many lifetimes. She had been a high priest in Egypt and recalled the healing systems they had used in those ancient times, and the issues that had eventually corrupted the system diluting the purity and power of the energy. Accounts of these times are contained in her book. The obstruction then to the continued evolution of that race was power and ego, much as it is here on earth today.

According to Helen, Egypt is the source of all hands-on and spiritual healing systems. Sekhem is a channelled energy which means that a practitioner channels the energy through the body and passes it on to others. Helen claims it is the purest cosmic healing energy on Earth. In its highest form, Sekhem is so pure an energy that it is indeed the energy of the Source, the point at which all life originates, she says.

Cosmic energies are often associated with particular deities and so the deity associated with Sekhem is the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, said to be an incarnation of Isis. In ancient times, she was the Egyptian Goddess of Healing. Today, however, she is better known as the Goddess of Transformation, meaning that she is present when the old has to be destroyed or put aside to make way for the new. Helen stresses that the energy of Sekhem is not the same as the energy of Sekhmet, but that she helps connects humanity to the energy of the source.

Many years after her near death experience, Helen learned Reiki and Siechem. But when using these healing systems, she found that she was channelling symbols that behaved very differently to the symbols she had formally learned. Unlike the symbols of Reiki and Seichem, which are two dimensional, these symbols were three dimensional. Being sensitive to energy movements in the body, she noticed they moved in a different way to that of the energies projected by the Reiki and Seichem symbols. Symbols are powerful signs that are the visual equivalent to the auditory sounds or mantras that create specific reactions in the body’s life energy network. A particular symbol is believed to cleanse the part of the body into which it is projected. The purer the energy, the more intelligent it is said to be, meaning that it would act on its own accord, moving into and healing parts of the body that need it. This free thinking energy allows a healer who does not have in-depth understanding of human physiology to channel the

Today, Helen’s life is devoted to healing the earth itself, an activity that consumes vast quantities of her own life energy and which is said to have weakened her body. She says she is ill, although she doesn’t look it.

As alternative methods of healing make inroads into mainstream society and more and more cosmic healing energies become known, it is necessary to be discerning in the use of these energies. Helen stresses on the importance of using only the purest of energies, which means that the healer should align him or herself with the highest source. This is a vital step even for Sekhem healers because the energy is summoned from a very distant source.

Energy healing is based on the premise that matter equals energy. The quantum physics formula E=MC espoused by Einstein equates energy to mass times the speed of light squared. Mass – even objects like rocks, soil, muscles and bone – are nothing more than bundles of energy held together by a particular vibrational frequency. The higher the frequency -- i.e. the faster it vibrates -- the less condensed the mass.

Solid objects are formed by very energy vibrating at a low frequency. The human body combines energy of different vibrational frequencies.

Helen says these systems of healing were practiced in ancient Egypt and, even today, in Tibet. While healing modalities such as qi healing or its Indian equivalent pranic healing tap into universal energies, i.e. energies that are at the point when they become matter, cosmic energies are said to be channelled from the higher planes of the Divine realm and be of a very high vibrational frequency out of reach to the average human being. Healers develop the ability to channel these energies through initiation by a master, or by adjusting their own vibrational frequencies to a very high level through practices of very spiritual forms of yoga, qigong or meditation. The purity of the channel becomes his or her power.

Reasoning, ego and fear block the process of transformation into higher vibrational frequences, depriving the healer of the power to heal. When the mind starts to question matters that are often inexplicable, a block is created. While this doesn’t mean that rationale has no place in the transformation of energies, there are times when it has to stand aside and give way to the unknown. Giving the driver’s seat to the heart, mind slips into passenger mode, alert but trusting the inner wisdom of the heart. Fear of the unknown is placated. Other obstacles arise: ego elevates the individual for being more spiritual than the rest, immediately setting up barriers for transformation which requires true humility. When ego and fear are out of the way, the individual becomes suitable for the alchemical change that transformation brings.

In her book, The Sekhem Story (2005, Joshua Books), Helen stresses on the importance of clarity and openness of the channel because it has a bearing on the purity of the energy delivered. As the energies filter through the channel, it may pick up traces of the healer’s own emotions, she writes. She even cautions on choosing a Sekhem Master. As in any other transaction, it’s a case of buyer beware – find out about the teacher before you subscribe to their services. Make sure the Master Teacher is one who walks his or her talk.

She has prefixed her name Helen Belot to the Sekhem healing modality to preserve the purity of the system she had founded, especially when she found that some Sekhem Master teachers had added new symbols that had come to them during healing into their teaching practices. They were falsely claiming that she had authorized the use of these new symbols.

“Many people send me symbols saying ‘this came to me when I was doing Sekhem or in my meditation’. Some are using these symbols in Sekhem, claiming that I have approved of the new symbols and incorporated them into the Sekhem system. This may not be true because the symbols that sometimes come in during a healing session may only be suitable for those they are working on or for the healers themselves; they may not be good for everyone,” she said.

Helen says she checks all symbols that are sent to her. “A symbol that is meant to be incorporated into the Sekhem system may come to me personally or to a few people at the same time. But not all symbols are suitable for general use,” she says.

She is concerned about preserving the purity of the Sekhem system because that is the only way to maximize its potential. Sekhem is so pure, it comes from the source of all healing energies, she says. Some people take a slice of it (the source energy) and make different courses with it.

The purity of the Sekhem system rests firmly on the teachings that go along with them, says Helen. She places strong emphasis on the foundation levels. “Each level sits very firmly on the next and the potentiality of the energy is maximized by sticking firmly to the foundation level techniques and symbols. Sekhem is of a very high vibration. It can do so much more than many other healing energies. Interestingly it can do some of the very higher things – what I call the ultimate in healing – things that the medical profession are having difficulty with or cannot do, and which the clients cannot do. The teachings sit very firmly on Level One of the course which is why I insist on Level One being so important and doing it in this way,” she says.

Helen claims that Sekhem is pure spirituality, as opposed to being religious. “I believe that a lot of religion is rigid. Man has put a lot of restrictions around it. There has been a lot of use of force in the name of God. Sekhem bypasses this. It is a totally different context and philosophy,” she says.

Sekhem has a role to play in assisting in the shift in mass consciousness towards pure spirituality. “It’s a living energy in that it changes with the needs of the times. As the mass consciousness changes, Sekhem will support new things. It’s going to evolve more and more. It has changed now – the focus of the Sekhem energies that are coming in now is on spirituality – a new understanding is coming on people with the transformation of their bodies that will give them greater understanding and ability to work with healing energies.”

But change is inevitable. It is well known in alternative healing that as a healer evolves in their practice, that individual will combine what has been learned into a more personalized healing system which may not follow in the exact footsteps of any particular system he or she may have learned. What matters most is the purity of the energy that comes through. “As you go along (with your practice) your personality will come through. It will be different with everybody and whatever connection with whatever God means to you,” says Helen.

In fact, very experienced healers do not use symbols at all. They summon various forms of energy at will. Their sense of focus or thought is strong enough to call in the energy. Symbols, however, can still be useful for specific outcomes. “But as you heal, a particular vibration of healing energy will come through, and that will be Sekhem,” she adds.

Spirituality is a very personal thing, says Helen. Even as a child, if I had to go to a religion that told me that I had to do it in a particular way, I would kick against it. I am a very down to earth person and I don’t consider myself being a guru or anything like that. I just want to do what I came here to do, which is to help to spread the Sekhem energy.

© -- 2005, Daleena Samarajiwa.

Daleena is a Master of Transformational Yoga and certified in a number of natural healing systems including NLP, Pranic Healing, Sekhem, Magnified Healing, Trinity Healing System and traditional healing systems of Sri Lanka. She is also a writer, editor and artist


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