
高田女士的筆記真實記錄了當年學習靈氣的歷史紀錄。 | 2018.06.02



據高田本人敘述,他是在1935年來到日本治病,並與靈氣相遇。 本來打算在赤坂的醫院做手術,卻因為不可思議的因緣而被邀請到信濃町的林忠次郎先生那裡,大約四個月後,她的病完全好了。並留下了當年的筆記。


1935 年 12 月 10 日
“Leiki”的意思。即是自身內在的能量,當集中並施用於患者時,將治愈所有的疾病。它是大自然最偉大的治愈方法,不需要藥物。它在各個方面都有幫助,包括人類和動物的生命。為了集中注意力 必須在言語和思想中淨化自己的思想並打坐,讓“能量”從內部出來。它位於胃底部約2英寸,肚臍下方。坐在舒適的位置,閉上眼睛雙手從頭輕柔地往下移動。即將接受這種治療的患者必須淨化自己的思想,感覺舒適和希望好起來。感恩是心靈的良藥。在任何情況下,只需用手觸摸即可診斷患者。

Dec. 10 1935
Meaning of "Leiki". Energy within oneself, when concentrated and applied to patient, will cure all ailments. It is nature's greatest cure, which requires no drugs. It helps in all respects, human and animal life. In order to concentrate one must purify one's thoughts in words and in thoughts and to meditate to let the "Energy" come out from within. It lies in the bottom of your stomach about 2 in. below the navel. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, concentrate on your thought and relax, close your hands together and wait for the sign. Kindly and gently apply the hands starting from head downward. The patient who is about to receive this treatment must purify one's thought feel comfortable and a desire to get well. One must not forget to feel grateful. Gratitude is a great cure for the mind. In all case, the patient could be diagnosed just by the touch of hand.

根據海倫·哈弗利 (Helen Haberly) 的著作《高田 哈瓦優的故事-Hawayo Takata Story》,高田於 1935 年 9 月住進了赤坂的醫院。 診斷為「腫瘤、膽結石、闌尾炎」。為了等待體力恢復,手術將在三週後進行。 然而,當高田聽到這個消息時,她決定不接受手術,轉而去了林忠次郎的診所。 上面寫著「3 週後」,所以時間點約是從 9 月中旬到 10 月。

根據《高田 哈瓦優的故事-Hawayo Takata Story》記載,高田在開始參加治療大約三週後希望學習靈氣。過程有些曲折,最後以某種方式被允許。第一個備忘錄註釋的日期是 1935 年 12 月,所以很可能是在開始接受靈氣課程之後寫的。也正是這份備忘錄,能夠準確地寫下了其被告知的內容。


1936 年 4 月 2 日

April 2nd 1936
Father was sick from cold and tired. Gave him treatments and was able to take exam on the 7th, and back to Kauai on the 10th. After seeing them off came back with Julia to Mr Hayashi's home, they were so nice and begged me to stay with them, so from that night on I am staying here. This must have been my real Lucky day as I come to think. I have gained so much knowledge in line of treatments that I found myself taking patients naturally.

去治療多久男爵的2個女孩2天,她們都痊癒了;原澤太太在慶應義塾醫院,手術後每晚7:30 pm進行治療。發現狀況很好,恢復很快。自從我來到他們身邊在家庭辦公室的病人開始增加,這讓我感覺很好,非常鼓舞人心。

更令人欣慰的是,林先生賜予了我神祕傳、呼吸法 和 凝視法 的秘密,這是能量科學中的最高秘密。


May 1936
Went to cure the 2 girls of Baron Taku 2 days and they were cured; Mrs Harazawa at Keio Hospital, every night at 7:30 p.m. Treatment for after operation. Finds it very good and fast recovery. At the home office patients began to increase ever since I came to them, it makes me feel good and very encouraging.

What was more than pleasing was that Mr Hayashi has granted to bestow upon me the secrets of Shimpi Den, Kokiyu-Ho and the Leiji-Ho, the utmost secret in the Energy Science.

Know(No) one can imagine my happiness to think that I have the honor and respect to be treated with this gift -- a gift of a lifetime and I promised within me to do my utmost in regard to this beautiful wonderful teaching that I just received. I shall promise to do what is right thru(through) sincereness and kindness and shall regard and respect the teaching and its teacher with utmost reverence and respect.


March 29 - 1937
The Law of Karma, so true according (to) the teachings, when we meet, it is the begin(ning) of parting.

另一張筆記顯示的是 1936 年的日期。

高田的父母在這個時候臨時返回日本,在山口縣呆了大約一年。 1936 年 3 月,高田返回夏威夷的考艾島。 四月的備忘錄就是紀錄那段時間。 此時,接受靈氣傳授後的高田女士會陪伴林先生或獨自出診。


另外有關於"多久男爵(Boron Taku)"的部分,在『日本紳士録』與『華族大鑑』中,的確有一名居住在東京涉谷區的「多久龍三郎」男爵。其家族紀錄中有於大正14(1925)年出生的長女・美子、與昭和2(1927)年生的次女・喜美子二人。這部分就與備忘錄中紀載的兩個女兒相符。

當年靈氣療法學會的歷代會長,有三名都是擔任海軍少將之職,林忠次郎任海軍大佐,江口俊博亦是領著「一等俸祿」的校長,在《高田 哈瓦優的故事-Hawayo Takata Story》中,林忠次郎老師的顧客幾乎都是上流階級的富豪,所以有男爵之類的客戶也是很自然的事情。

《Phyllis Furumoto接受電視訪問》

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《靈氣療法》 《能量治療》 《影片採訪》 《研究紀錄》 《中醫隨筆》 《知命識命》







    宇謙老師 【作者:宇謙老師】
    《轉載摘錄請標示出處/本站成立於2003年12月 》