了解 病腺 掃描法 Understanding Byosen Scanning

病腺法(手感)的技術,是能量治療的基礎 | 2021.08.10


了解 病腺法 掃描 Understanding Byosen Scanning
弗蘭克·阿賈瓦·彼得 Frank Arjava Petter










在我的一次研討會上,這種技術的有效性得到了戲劇性的證明。參加者應該在研討會結束幾天后切除她的膽囊。她長出了結石而非常痛苦,醫生認為她除了手術之外別無他法。在五天的時間裡,每天我都和團隊一起為她工作。第一天我就感覺到了強烈的五級病腺手感。在治療過程中,我們一個人扶著她的頭,一個人扶著她的腳,兩三個人以其他姿勢治療,我在治療期間把手放在膽囊上。拜森在經歷了兩個病腺的手感高峰後發生了變化,並下降到了四級。我感到該手位的區域寒冷,代表是四級的手感。我想像著石頭變成了灰塵。第二天,我們再次從 5 級開始,從那時起,病腺的手感急劇下降。第三天,我只感覺到強烈的刺痛感-三級。到訓練結束時,也就是五天后,只能感覺到熱感。我敦促她在手術前進行檢查,因為我知道身體會很好地照顧自己。她的治愈能力被激活,我相信身體可以自我治愈。其他人也都感覺到了。後來手術被取消了而醫生感到非常驚訝。

病腺(Byosen)是一種強大的工具,可以提高靈氣的有效性和增強靈氣治療的效果。我鼓勵您嘗試使用所描述的每一種技術,並親自發現病腺 的驚人效果。與病腺一起工作需要練習和耐心,但我相信你會發現它值得你付出努力。


這是出現在 Reiki News Magazine 2007 年夏季刊中的完整文章的摘錄。

《如何增進靈氣的手感 》

Understanding Byosen Scanning, Part II
by Frank Arjava Petter

Byosen, translated as “sick accumulation,” is the frequency that is emitted from a tense, injured or ill body part. It is also the reaction of the body to incoming Reiki energy. By evaluating these two aspects of thebyosen, the practitioner can discover the area or areas that most need treatment, know how long the hands should remain in a particular area, and know whether additional treatments are indicated.

As noted in Part I of this article, byosen has five distinct levels, which indicate the seriousness of the condition, with five being the highest degree of imbalance:

Levels of byosen

Heat. This heat is above normal body temperature.
Strong heat. This heat makes your palms sweat.
Tingling. The tingling can be experienced as pins and needles, as a magnetic feeling, or as your hands falling asleep.
Pulsation, cold. The pulsation can be strong or weak, slow or fast. When the place you touch feels cold, it is not the fault of your hands, but a sign of byosen level four.
Pain in the hand of the practitioner. This pain may be felt in the hand, in the fingers or in the back of the hand. It may move up your hand into the forearm, and may continue all the way up to your shoulder.
Working with the byosen

Both Usui sensei and Hayashi sensei gave their beginner students handbooks that explained hand positions to be used for the most common ailments of that time. The handbooks allowed students to work effectively with Reiki before they understood the more advanced art ofbyosen. Once students became proficient in byosen, they listened to the body of the client and to the workings of the energy rather than relying on a specific pattern of hand positions.

Byosen is not to be confused with psychic ability or intuition. The Japanese approach is not exclusively intuitive. It is based on perception. Being perceptive can be learned, and this happens most easily in the presence of a skilled teacher. I have observed over the years that the teacher’s expertise flows naturally to his or her students as a result of their being in the teacher’s physical presence. This is the natural law of the spirit. The higher vibration transforms the lower.

In order to be perceptive, one needs to increase awareness. Begin by being aware of all the information that your senses provide for you. Look at the body of your client with the utmost attention and awareness. Notice every little thing. The client may not know what he needs, but his body does. His body will give you signs in the form of the five levels ofbyosen. The byosen attracts your attention; it pulls your hands to itself. Also the byosen tells you how the healing is going as well as how to proceed.

The first technique is really not a technique at all but simply a response to information from the client. A client comes to you and tells you what his physical problem is. He has been diagnosed by a healthcare practitioner. Perhaps he experiences pain or discomfort in a particular area of his body. You place your hands on that area and feel the byosen. If you feel a strong byosen, level four or five, you know that something serious is happening there that needs serious and possibly time-consuming attention. As you hold your hands on this area you pay attention to the peaks and valleys of the byosen. It comes and goes in waves. You continue working with the client until the peaks have diminished to level two or one.

The effectiveness of this technique was demonstrated in a dramatic way during one of my seminars. A participant was supposed to have her gallbladder removed a few days after the workshop. She had developed very painful stones and the doctors saw no other way for her than surgery. Every day, for five days I worked on her with the group. On the first day I felt a strong level five byosen. During the treatment one of us held her head, one held her feet, two or three held other positions, and I placed my hands on the gallbladder for the duration of the treatment. The byosen changed after two peaks and dropped to a strong level four. I felt coldness in the area, an indication of level four. I imagined the stones turning to dust. The next day we began again with a light level five and from then on the byosen dropped dramatically. On the third day, all I felt was a strong tingle—level three. By the end of the training, after five days, only heat could be felt. I urged her to have a checkup before surgery because I knew that the body was taking good care of itself. Her healing powers were activated, and I was confident that the body could heal itself. All the others felt it as well. The surgery was cancelled by a surprised physician.

Byosen is a powerful tool for increasing the effectiveness of Reiki and enhancing the outcome of Reiki treatments. I encourage you to experiment with each of the techniques described and to discover for yourself how amazingly effective byosen can be. Working withbyosen requires practice and patience, but I believe you will find that the results make it well worth the effort.

*The word Gassho means two hands coming together. The correct way to practice Gasshois to hold the hands up, with the palms close together. Each finger is supposed to lie upon the respective finger of the other hand. The hands are held so that the finger-tips are just below the nose. The elbows are not touching the body, but there is enough space in between the inside of the upper arm and the armpit to fit in an egg. The back is held erect and the head floating up by itself as if held up by a helium-filled balloon.

This is an excerpt from the complete article that appeared in the Summer 2007 issue of Reiki News Magazine.

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