
Energy Medicine treatments for hand and wrist pain: A pilot study |  2021.04.10





研究方法:按照這項具有前瞻性的內部實驗設計,參與者共招募來體驗 17 名能量醫學從業者的 30 分鐘治療。在接受研究篩查的 374 名經歷腕管疼痛的成年人中,190 人接受了能量治療。能量從業者在近距離進行了治療,有的有輕微的靜態觸摸,有的沒有。在治療前、治療中、治療後與治療三周後、立即收集指標數據。主要測量被療者的自我疼痛報告。次要主觀測量包括能量醫學的可信度、治療效果的預期、疼痛干擾狀態、睡眠質量、幸福感、情緒和個人轉變感。生理測量包括神經傳導速度、心率變異性、心率同步性(參與者和從業者之間)以及神經炎症相關基因的水平。

研究結果:在以 0-10 分的疼痛自我評估量表作為標準,疼痛評分在治療後平均降低 2.0 分,在三週時降低 1.3 分,其中以 10 表示最嚴重的疼痛。而其統計學p < 0.000005,有明顯意義。(F(2, 565) = 3.82 p < 0.000005)。


討論:研究能量治療對腕管疼痛患者的管理是可行的,儘管本次實驗無法證明對於被診斷為腕管綜合症的療效文件。 但我們發現在單次能量藥物治療後對疼痛和疼痛相關結果的積極影響的初步證據,值得進一步研究與調查。

關鍵字:Biofield; Carpal tunnel; Spiritual healing; Subtle energy.

Energy Medicine treatments for hand and wrist pain: A pilot study

Abstract Introduction: The term "energy medicine" describes healing modalities that manipulate or channel purported subtle energies associated with the body. The objectives of this pilot study were to determine the feasibility of studying energy medicine for people with carpal tunnel pain and gathering relevant preliminary data.

Methods: Following a prospective, within-participant design, participants were recruited to experience a 30 min treatment from one of 17 energy medicine practitioners. Of 374 adults experiencing carpal tunnel pain who were screened for the study, 190 received an energy medicine treatment. Practitioners delivered treatments at close distance, some with and some without light, stationary touch. Outcome measures were collected before, during, and immediately after the treatment, and three weeks later. The primary outcome measure was self-reported pain. Secondary subjective measures included credibility regarding energy medicine and expectancy regarding the efficacy of treatments, pain interference, sleep quality, well-being, mood, and sense of personal transformation. Physiological measures included median nerve conduction velocity, heart rate variability, heart rate synchrony (between the participant and practitioner), and expression levels of neuroinflammation-related genes.

Results: On average, self-reported current pain scores decreased 2.0 points post-session and 1.3 points at three weeks compared to baseline values using a 0-10 point scale with 10 denoting worst pain (F(2, 565) = 3.82 p <0.000005). This effect was not influenced by the participants' level of expectancy or credibility regarding the energy medicine modality. Well-being, negative emotion, and sleep quality scores significantly improved at the follow-up visit. Multiple heart rate variability measures significantly changed reflecting increased parasympathetic activity which may indicate decreased stress. No other secondary outcome showed significant change.

Discussion: Studying the administration of energy medicine to people with carpal tunnel pain is feasible, although requiring a documented carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis proved to be prohibitive for recruitment. Our finding of preliminary evidence for positive effects in pain and pain-related outcomes after a single session of energy medicine warrants further controlled investigation.

Keywords: Biofield; Carpal tunnel; Spiritual healing; Subtle energy.

Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Conflict of interest statement Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.

資料原文: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33162335/

《大數據研究 靈氣對身心健康的效用》


Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to measure the effect of a single session of Reiki on physical and psychological health in a large nonclinical sample.

Design: The study design was a single arm effectiveness trial with measures at pre-and postintervention.

Settings: The study took place at private Reiki practices across the United States.

Subjects: Reiki practitioners were recruited from an online mailing list to participate in the study with their Reiki clients. A total of 99 Reiki practitioners met the inclusion criteria and participated in the study. Reiki practitioners were instructed to give a flyer to each of their Reiki clients that contained information about the study and invited the client to complete a survey before and after their Reiki session.

Interventions: Trained and certified Reiki Masters conducted the Reiki sessions in person, with each session lasting between 45 and 90 min.

Outcome measures: The well-validated 20-item Positive and Negative Affect Schedule was used to assess affect, and brief, single-item self-report measures were used to assess a wide range of physical and psychological variables immediately before (pre) and after (post) the Reiki session.

Results: A total of N = 1411 Reiki sessions were conducted and included in the analysis. Statistically significant improvements were observed for all outcome measures, including positive affect, negative affect, pain, drowsiness, tiredness, nausea, appetite, shortness of breath, anxiety, depression, and overall well-being (all p-values <0.001).

Conclusions: The results from this large-scale multisite effectiveness trial suggest that a single session of Reiki improves multiple variables related to physical and psychological health.


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