
Sekhem對於遙距點化與簡化儀式的看法  |  2015.10.25




更出名的是創始人Helen Belot女士與另一個自稱埃及的能量療癒系統創始人(Patrick Zeigler)兩個人對能量的歧見.


Helen Belot女士相當頑固的維持自己的能量系統的完整性,也做出了很多受爭議的手法,容後再敘,在本篇文章中,仍然重複敘述了遙距點化與遠距離教學的不正當性.在這裡我嘗試著翻譯創始人Helen Belot女士的文章,英文翻中文的時候重要的是翻出原意與精神,希望能夠還原每個人看待事情的角度,其中有幾段詞彙實在是講得太隱喻,我已在最下方附上註解與原文.



遺憾的是我無法再繼續教授 Sekhem,即使傳遞這個美妙的能量給了我很多的樂趣,一開始它療癒了小孩子(註一),小動物,小鳥與我自己.以及各種的意外,外傷與疾病;後來這個能量在我的職業生涯中更以各種不同的方式幫助人們.我的個案堅持我應該要把這個技術教導給別人,好讓這個能量不至於從這個世界上消失,即便我從來沒有想要成為任何一種類型的導師.

今天,有許多人在教導 Sekhem這個能量課程,也有很多人教得很好.但在此有一句忠告給所有尋找 Sekhem 導師的人:

請確認你所選擇的那位 Sekhem的導師資格不是經由取巧或遙距點化(absentee method)的方式所取得的.

當然你在使用這股神奇的 Sekhem 能量時是可以遙距使用的,但是在教導與 Sekhem傳承啟動儀式(Initiation)時,親自以雙手將這個能量交到你的身上是最重要的一部分,從最初的啟蒙階段特別是至到最後的導師(Master Teacher)階段都是如此.

有一些老師抱怨,整個儀式太過於漫長而且艱難,如果能夠以遙距的方式或是將整個儀式修改變短將會簡單得多.但透過這種取巧的方式,他們阻礙了讓自己的學生到達更高的意識狀態的機會,也無法讓學生成為最好的 Sekhem能量學習者.在我眼中,這是一種詐騙自己學生權利的行為.

在我與帕特里克(Patrick Zeigler)電話裡的交談中我問他:

「在何時?何地?是誰幫你做的 Sekhem 導師階段傳承儀式?」


我引用他當時所回答的詞彙是:「某個程度上是(Sort of).」 (註二)





Helen Belot

註一:由於Helen Belot女士在完整的channeling到Sekhem能量時年紀已經不小,所以在此便不採用自孩提時便療癒小動物的概念去翻譯這段的意思.
註二:Sort of在英文中本詞彙多意,但多指不完全之意.
註三:應該暗指Patrick的Sekhem能量沒經歷過整套完整的Sekhem儀式傳承,所以他對於Sekhem能量的評論,不受到Helen Belot女士的承認吧.

It is with regret that I can no longer teach Sekhem

It is with regret that I can no longer teach Sekhem for it has given me much pleasure to pass on this wonderful energy that allowed me firstly as a child to heal animals, birds and myself of accidents, trauma and disease and later to aid people in all sorts of ways in my professional life. It was my patients who insisted I teach others so that this energy would not be lost to the world even though I had never wanted to be a teacher of any sort.

Today there are many who do teach and teach well. However a word of warning when looking for a teacher - make sure the one you choose was not made a Sekhem Master Teacher by the absentee method. You can of course do amazing things when using the Sekhem absentee method but when teaching the Initiation is the most vital part, and needs to be hands on. That is particularly so in the final Initiation to becoming a Master Teacher.

Some teachers have complained that the Initiations were too long and difficult and it was so much easier to shorten them or use the absentee method. By doing this they deny their students the opportunity of reaching a much higher consciousness and the ability to be the very best Sekhem practitioner they could be. In my eyes this is to defraud their students of their rights.

In phone conversation I had with Patrick Zeigler I asked him who made him a Sekhem Master and when and where? He gave me the name of a gentleman I knew well and where the final Initiation had taken place. When I was next in the city where that man lived I asked him if indeed he had made Patrick a Master. His reply was and I quote his exact words “ Sort of” I laughed and said “ There is no such thing as sort of. Did you or didn’t you?” It appears that he did not for these 2 men were in very different parts of the world at the time.

Always use this energy with integrity and compassion for all and you will be greatly rewarded.

Best wishes and Blessings to you all.
Helen Belot


《古埃及能量療法 Helen Belot Sekhem課程》
《關於Helen Belot Sekhem》
《SEKHEM 生命之光-靈性的進化》
《古埃及能量療法Helen Belot Sekhem學員心得》


靈氣課程台北 學生心得靈氣課程推薦 靈氣問與答Q&A 給學生的一封信


《靈氣療法》 《能量治療》 《影片採訪》 《研究紀錄》 《中醫隨筆》 《知命識命》







    宇謙老師 【作者:宇謙老師】
    《轉載摘錄請標示出處/本站成立於2003年12月 》