靈氣治療對糖尿病有效嗎? Is Reiki Effective for Diabetes
靈氣 治療 可間接穩定糖尿病患身體內的胰島素與血糖代謝 | 2020.11.03
靈氣對糖尿病有效嗎? Is Reiki Effective for Diabetes
糖尿病是一種常見的嚴重疾病,影響著全世界數百萬人。 事實上,根據世界衛生組織的數據,2014 年地球上約有 4.22 億人患有糖尿病,而且這個數字還在逐年增加。 糖尿病有多種治療方法,但這種情況繼續給世界各地的人們帶來問題,而且隨著時間的推移往往會使病情惡化。 幸運的是,最近的研究表明靈氣可能對患有這種疾病的人有所幫助。
糖尿病是當胰腺停止產生足夠量的胰島素或身體無法有效使用產生的胰島素進行熱量代謝時發生的一種情況。 這會迫使血液中的糖含量增加,從而對身體的器官系統造成損害。
為了控制糖尿病,醫學專家推薦了多種策略。 鼓勵大多數糖尿病患者定期檢查血糖並記錄其波動情況。 糖尿病患者也可服用口服藥物、注射藥物和/或胰島素。 此外,糖尿病患者可能會受益於飲食的改變以及定期運動與鍛煉。
靈氣是一種基於能量流治療概念並起源於日本的療法。 執行靈氣的練習者以觸摸和特定的手部位置來促進客戶身體的能量流動,清理能量阻塞並促進身體的自然癒合反應。 這種治療背後的信念是,身體的不適和疾病是體內能量通路受阻或紊亂的結果。 靈氣的目標是恢復這些通路的正常能量流動,從而幫助改善客戶的身體狀況。
在靈氣治療期間,靈氣從業者將雙手放在特定位置並輕輕接觸客戶。 或者,從業者也可以將他或她的手放在客戶上方幾英寸處。 練習者可以在治療期間最多改變他或她的手的位置 15 次,治療時每個位置最多保持 5 分鐘。
.人體處於高壓力水平通常會導致血糖失衡。 所以靈氣可能有助於降低壓力水平,這也有助於降低客戶的血糖。
不良的睡眠習慣可能會加劇糖尿病的症狀。 靈氣通過創造放鬆狀態來解決這個問題,從而提高睡眠質量。
靈氣可以改善客戶的情緒並緩解抑鬱症狀。 有了更好的人生觀,個案更有可能做出健康的決定,並遵守醫生對於管理他或她的症狀的醫囑。 此外,情緒的提升可能有助於身體自行維持正常的血糖水平。
已經確診的糖尿病患者經常會經歷與神經病變相關的疼痛。 靈氣療法可能有助於降低疼痛的敏感性,讓客戶緩解這些不舒服的症狀。
2007 年發表在 Diabetes Care 上的一項研究表明,靈氣可以有效治療與糖尿病神經病變相關的疼痛。本研究中的患者分為三組:一組未接受治療,一組接受模仿靈氣的治療,另一組接受真正的靈氣治療。接受真正靈氣治療的患者的疼痛水平有顯著改善,而其他組患者的疼痛水平僅略有改善或根本沒有改善。這些結果表示靈氣可能對患有糖尿病相關疼痛的患者有幫助。
《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響 》
Is Reiki Effective for Diabetes
About Reiki and Diabetes
Diabetes is a common but serious illness that affects millions of people throughout the world. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, approximately 422 million people on the planet were suffering from diabetes in 2014, and the number is increasing every year. A number of treatments exist for diabetes, but the condition continues to cause problems for people everywhere, often worsening over time. Fortunately, recent research has shown that Reiki may be beneficial to individuals struggling with this condition.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the pancreas stops producing adequate amounts of insulin or when the body becomes unable to use the insulin produced effectively. This forces the amount of sugar in the blood to increase, which causes damage to the body’s organ systems.
Left unchecked, diabetes can lead to many serious complications and adverse effects.
Specifically, people who suffer from diabetes may experience:
A higher risk of heart attack and stroke.
Kidney failure.
Damage to the eyes, which may lead to blindness.
Circulation problems.
Nerve damage.
An increased risk of infection.
To control diabetes, medical professionals recommend a variety of strategies. Most people with diabetes are encouraged to check their blood sugar on a regular basis and keep a record of fluctuations. People with diabetes may also take oral medications, injectable medications, and/or insulin. In addition, diabetes patients may benefit from changes to their diet, as well as regular exercise.
How Can Reiki Help?
Is Reiki Effective for Diabetes?
Reiki is a Japanese origin therapy based on the concept of energy flow. A practitioner performing Reiki uses touch and specific hand positions to encourage the flow of the client’s energy, dissolving energy blockages and facilitating the body’s natural healing response. The belief behind this treatment is that discomfort and illness are the results of blocked or disturbed energy pathways within the body. The goal of Reiki is to restore normal flow to these pathways, thus assisting in improving the client’s physical condition.
During a Reiki session, a practitioner places both of his or her hands in specific positions and touches the client lightly. Alternatively, the practitioner may also hold his or her hands a few inches above the client. The practitioner may change the position of his or her hands up to 15 times during the session, holding each position for up to five minutes.
For an individual with diabetes, Reiki treatments may help in the following ways:
Reduction of stress
High-stress levels often lead to blood sugar imbalances. Reiki may help to lower stress levels, which could help to lower the client’s blood sugar as well.
Reiki creates a relaxed state thus improving the quality of sleep.
Improved sleep
Poor sleep habits may exacerbate the symptoms of diabetes. Reiki combats this problem by creating a relaxed state thus improving the quality of sleep.
Alleviation of depression
Reiki may improve the mood of the client and relieve the symptoms of depression. With a better outlook on life, the client is more likely to make healthy decisions and adhere to the doctor’s instructions regarding the management of his or her symptoms. In addition, the elevation of the mood may aid the body as it tries to maintain normal blood sugar levels on its own.
Reduced pain sensations
People with diabetes that has progressed often experience pain related to neuropathy. Reiki treatments may help to reduce pain sensitivity, providing clients with relief from these uncomfortable symptoms.
Reiki is non-invasive and causes virtually no side effects, making it a safe choice for any individual with diabetes.
Relevant Research Regarding Reiki for Diabetes
Research focusing on Reiki and its effects on various conditions is ongoing. However, some studies have already explored the relationship between Reiki and diabetes.
Some of these studies are detailed below.
Effectiveness of Reiki for Diabetic Neuropathy
A study published in Diabetes Care in 2007 demonstrated that Reiki could be an effective treatment for the pain related to diabetic neuropathy. Patients in this study were divided into three groups: one that received no treatment, one that received a treatment that mimicked Reiki, and one that received true Reiki. Pain levels for patients in the group receiving true Reiki treatments improved considerably, while pain levels among patients in the other groups improved only slightly or not at all. These results indicate that Reiki may be beneficial to patients who have pain related to diabetes.
Reiki’s Effect is Effective for Anxiety
An analysis published in Pain Management Nursing evaluated multiple studies designed to determine if Reiki could be an effective treatment for anxiety. This review found that the majority of studies performed showed a statistically significant improvement of anxiety symptoms among individuals who received Reiki treatments.
Based on these results, it stands to reason that Reiki may reduce anxiety among individuals who engage in treatment, including those with diabetes. This reduction in anxiety prevents stress-related increases in blood sugar. It may also indirectly affect diabetes by improving the mood of diabetic patients, which in turn causes them to be more proactive in the management of their disease.
Research on the effectiveness of Reiki in the treatment of diabetes is ongoing, but professionals in the field are optimistic. In fact, an article published by the American Diabetes Association expressed that the potential for the use of Reiki and other energy-based healing techniques for diabetes is great. These therapies have very few side effects, and the benefits have been supported by research.
關鍵字:靈氣研究, 糖尿病特徵, 糖尿病症狀診斷, 糖尿病症狀診斷, 糖尿病指數, 糖尿病風險《靈氣療法》 《能量治療》 《影片採訪》 《研究紀錄》 《中醫隨筆》 《知命識命》
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- 【影片】大師訪談:光明靈氣道 稲本百天
- 【影片】Phyllis Furumoto接受電視訪問
- 【影片】美國WMTW abc 8 新聞介紹靈氣
- 【影片】靈氣影響癌細胞分裂與成長的研究
- 【影片】芳香療法改善失智症的研究
- 【影片】受訪紀錄-關於東西方的靈氣
- 【影片】美國 Channel 7 新聞-靈氣與白血病
- 【影片】澳洲 Channel 7 新聞-靈氣與癌症
- 【影片】2018靈氣國際研討會紀實
- 【影片】英國BBC節目介紹-靈氣治療
- 【影片】美國ABC新聞介紹-靈氣與自閉症
- 【影片】美國ABC新聞介紹-靈氣健康服務
- 【影片】英國聖喬治醫院靈氣研究計畫募款
- 【影片】奧茲博士.介紹靈氣並示範
《轉載摘錄請標示出處/本站成立於2003年12月 》
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