日本靈氣治療中風和其他神經系統疾病 教學
靈氣治療中風 與 神經 系統疾病 教學 | 2021.07.12
靈氣治療中風和其他神經系統疾病 Treating Stroke and Other Neurological Disorders
瑪麗海爾 Mari Hall
八十年代末,當我在蘇格蘭工作和生活時,我開始研究不諧調的情緒如何在造成影響,即頭腦中的想法實際上是次於情緒的。關鍵是重新塑造一個人的情緒能量,這反過來又會釋放並影響我們的思想。我了解正面宣告有的時候沒有作用的原因,是因為人們沒有做必要的 靈性園藝工作(spiritual gardening work)來將這些新的花朵或思想深深植入他們的心靈。當內在的花園沒有修整,如同某種程度上的情緒破裂,這個人就會像是被關閉了一樣。
強尼的奇蹟 Johnny's Miracle
我正在蘇格蘭鄉村探望一個家庭。一天,他們 13 歲的兒子約翰問我,我在小時候在理解學校所教的事物是否有困難。我回答說:
當我用靈氣治療他時,他會談論他的感受,以及能量似乎如何流動。他很有洞察力,可以說是滔滔不絕。在第四次治療期間,他變得非常安靜,我以為他睡著了。我問強尼他是否在睡覺。 “不,”他回答說,“你看,我正在我的圖書館裡閱讀我找到的這本精彩的書,瑪麗。我找到了通向理解的大門。這裡很棒,有很多書要讀。”
我與強尼合作的經驗成為我開始使用靈氣進行專業整合工作的基礎。 他“找到門”的奇蹟幫助了許多其他人。 約翰現在是一名經神病學家,在他位於蘇格蘭西部的診所中使用靈氣進行醫學實踐。 他向與他一起工作的孩子們講述了他的故事。
肖恩能夠走路了 Sean Is Walking
第一個月我每周和他一起進行治療工作五天。 當我以傳統的靈氣姿勢治療他的整個身體時,他會仰臥。 然後我花了額外的時間使用一個有利於大腦整合的特殊姿勢。 最顯著的效果是,肖恩感覺自己與身體的聯繫更加緊密,更加清晰。 他說他覺得他正在與靈氣一起運行並工作而不是在接受治療。 當我說我們在接受治療的時候就是在與能量一起運行,他的書面答復是“好吧,現在我真的從裡到外的清楚了。” 為了與肖恩更密切地合作,他的家人接受了一級和二級的靈氣培訓。 他們每天輪流一起進行治療工作兩次。 這成為肖恩和他的家人的美好時光。 當我停下來看到他的進步時,他們說他們實際上很享受和他在一起的這段特殊時光,並且能夠看到他的身體是如何變化的。
靈氣和中風 Reiki and Stroke
我聽說一些靈氣老師說不應該用靈氣治療中風患者,或者需要等待一段時間才能治療中風患者。 我不知道這是基於什麼,因為我在治療中風患者時只獲得了積極且正面的結果。 我曾在人們中風後立即與他們合作,發現越早治療越好,因此靈氣可以支持傳統的醫療程序。 雖然我聽說過很多關於根本不治療某些疾病或等待幾天的想法,但我發現情況正好相反。 沒什麼好害怕的……因為恐懼創造了我們的現實。 我相信這個過程並愛上靈氣,我從未經歷過甚麼不良反應。
治療持續了一整年,並持續到下一年。他的家人和肖恩都相信已經有了顯著的改善,並想看看還會發生什麼。肖恩進行了一級和二級靈氣訓練,學靈氣以鍛煉自己。他治療了自己的腿。一位物理治療師一直在與肖恩合作,以防止他的身體萎縮,他也注意到了肖恩身體的變化。醫生們也對這些變化感到驚訝,並建議當地中心採取更積極的物理治療方法。他每週在那裡鍛煉 3 次,以加強他的左腿,因為它開始活躍起來。
當我下次開車去肖恩家時,那是秋天美好的一天。 空氣清新而清澈。 這段時間他所取得的進步,我在腦海裡迴盪著,覺得他創造了很多奇蹟。 我被他的堅韌鼓舞了。 我在我的許多靈氣課程中都使用了肖恩的故事,以此將靈氣可以為我們提供的奇蹟帶回家給學生。 我把車開進車道,在坡道底部找到了他的空椅子。 我在肖恩特別的地方的後花園裡看了看,看他是否被放在那裡的椅子上。 沒有運氣。 我很恐慌。 肖恩在哪裡?
當我開始回家時,我聽到他笑了。 我朝房門看去,他正扶著金屬欄杆,一臉得意。 我說:“你一個人在這裡做什麼,肖恩?” 他說:“我正在為家人練習我的驚喜。 我現在可以慢慢的走,我想以這個向他們表示感謝。 答應我不要聲張。”
肖恩的生日是十一月一日。 他的家人聚集在一起參加午餐慶祝活動。 我被要求加入他們。 一頓美餐後,我們都走進花園,在美麗的秋日里坐下來相聚。 肖恩說他會“搖搖晃晃”地滾下來加入我們。 他拒絕了幫助,對我眨了眨眼,說馬上就到。
我們都在交談,然後當人群中突然變得鴉雀無聲。 肖恩走出屋子,開始獨自朝我們走來。 他停了下來,道:“既然是我八十三歲生日,就想送你們一份禮物。” 看到他走路對我們所有人來說是多麼寶貴的禮物。 在與肖恩合作的過程中,我們學到了很多關於自己的知識。 奇蹟感動了我們所有人-肖恩的勝利是我見過的最好的生日禮物。
帕特回家了 Pat Has Come Home
幾年前,我是在科羅拉多州拉夫蘭舉行的靈氣研討會上的演講嘉賓。 研討會在科羅拉多州風景優美的日出牧場舉行,該牧場由一個名為 Emissaries 的團體所有。 我在歐洲生活了 12 年多,感覺與美國的靈氣團體疏遠了。 我在演講後也有很多空閒時間,以至於我無所事事。 我似乎不斷地在生活與幹活之間移動。 儘管在大多數情況下都有不錯的結果,但我認為我的學習優勢就是真正臣服於當下。
實際上,我認為作為世界上的人,我們最大的挑戰是活在當下,活得像個人而不是做一個人。 當一個可愛的女人走近我並開始交談時,我正坐在會議室裡,腦子裡想著這一切。 她的名字叫帕特。 在我們的分享過程中,她說她幾年前中風了,從那時起她就感覺自己沒有完全康復。 她接受了大量的對抗療法和補充療法。 我建議我們可以與靈氣進行一些整合治療,並解釋我將要做的事情。 她同意了。
我們進入了一個設置了按摩床的區域,我為她治療了大約一個小時。 治療後,她說她感覺更加清醒了,我們約好第二天早上再次見面進行另一次治療。 第二天早上我看到她時,她非常的興奮。 她告訴我,她現在上樓梯時已經沒有任何問題了,事實上,她已經像中風前一樣了。 她也覺得自己的身體似乎重新排列了起來。 第二天早上我又給她治療了一次,後來她說她能從內部感覺到她的手。 她變得容光煥發。 我向她展示了她在家時應該如何對自己進行這種治療。 當我看著她時,在我看來,她已經重新調整了她的能量,因為這一切的能量看起來都是均勻的。 她真的回到了自己的家。
去年在紐約的靈氣靜修處,我再次見到她,聽到她很好,我很高興。 她搬到離家人很近的地方,但她自己仍然在家。 兩年的融合和完整的生活鞏固了這種祝福。 她與她的學生和朋友分享了這項技術。 所有使用它的人必須從花時間重新連接中受益。 我認為,當我們獲得一閃而過的直覺時,我們必須首先使用我們所看到的;我們必須先深入了解內在的觀照,然後才能將其傳授給其他人。 就我而言,我使用這種方法已超過十三年,而且每一年我的理解都在加深。 我提供它作為一種幫助方式; 接受靈氣能量的人實際上是在用它來治愈自己。
內心的一串珍珠 A String of Pearls
我在得克薩斯州的聖安東尼奧,在 Dancing Moon 參加簽名會和自我發展課程的教學,這是一家形而上學的書店,書店後面有治療室和教室。 我的朋友Flute,他是靈氣大師,在那裡等著治療一個女人。 Flute解釋說,這名婦女患有肺水腫,有時她的病情變得危急-她會因為腫脹而幾乎無法呼吸。 似乎她的心臟無法跳動到足以讓液體流過她的身體,所以他們都退卻了。 她問我是否曾經接觸過這種性質的東西。
我回答說我曾治療過心臟問題和水腫,但沒有像他們提出的那樣一起工作。她的客戶的問題很有趣,我走進自己的內心,尋求指導,指導我應該如何協助治療。我相信這個提問的過程。我並不總是會立即得到答案,但通常會在需要時閃現靈感。我記得我坐在那裡簽書,和某人交談,當我用眼角的餘光看到客戶坐在輪椅上被帶到書店時。她因為太臃腫了,幾乎無法移動或呼吸。在我的腦海中,我看到她處於整合治療的姿勢,並且知道我的直覺向我展示了另一種使用方式。我向周圍的人失陪,走進了治療室。我向 Flute 和其他來為她工作的人解釋了我的感受,並向他們示範了整合治療的方式。他們同意試一試,然後我又回到了簽名處。一小時後,他們從密室出來,女子的腫脹明顯減輕,呼吸正常。這是一個深刻且明顯的差別。
我閉著眼睛坐了一分鐘,並尋求內在的指導,以了解為什麼這種特殊的治療方法會如此有效。 我看到了一串珍珠。 每顆珍珠都代表了我們體內原始來源的某種層級的破裂與分裂。 通過“破裂”,我明白身心靈並不總是相互配合; 它們有時會相互對抗。 我們基本上有三個隊長(身心靈),我們彼此不說話,甚至不互相交戰。 整合位置使他們彼此建立關係,共同工作。 這也向我解釋了為什麼當我們認為我們已經完成了我們的工作,當我們掌握了生活中的一個問題時,挑戰又回來了。 回歸實際上是在我們存在的不同層次上。 我們基本上變成了自己。 我們的工作是一顆一顆地跟隨著這些珍珠。
如果是這種情況,那麼這種整合姿勢不僅適用於閱讀障礙或運動神經系統問題,我們還可以用它來重新連接自己並整合我們的身體、思想和靈魂,以達到充分生活的目的。 從那一刻起,我幾乎對每個與我合作的人都使用它作為額外的治療姿勢。
生命如何支持我們 How Life Supports Us
當我在希臘的塞薩洛尼卡(Thessalonika)教靈氣時,我展示了當我們在情感上或精神上關閉我們的心時,我們也會關閉我們的能量並使得精微體變得衰弱。 當我們敞開心扉時,能量讓我們保持強壯,因為它自然地流過我們。 我請一名參加課程並駐紮在希臘的澳大利亞特種部隊的男子執行這個方式。 我讓他回想他在生活中受到傷害的事件並關閉他的心。 我們的想法也會將這個事件相關的情緒帶到表面的意識。 然後我推了推他的肩膀。 他顯然失去了平衡。 他根本沒有好好的接地,可以很容易地從腳上移開。
我不笨,我只是閱讀障礙 I Am Not Awkward, I Am Dyslexic
在我們的談話中,我了解到他在原生家庭中是以小丑的角色長大的。 常常以他為笑話。 當他想要引起注意時,通常是由於他的行為不清楚或困惑而引起的。 很明顯,他以負面與消極的方式受到了很多關注。 雖然他很難記住日常生活中的事情,但他非常聰明,對歷史有著濃厚的興趣。 但在情感上和精神上,他已經決定自己沒有個人價值,他的全部價值取決於他可以幫助多少人。 大多數時候他也沒有出現在照片中。
作為一名教師和治療師,我的工作是幫助人們回歸至與生俱來的真相,並找到幫助他們滋養生命的方法。 我談到了這項技術,並問他是否願意在他身上使用它。 如果他看到任何結果,也許他可以繼續治療自己。
在靈氣課上,當他在按摩床上時,我們都在研究他。 我把他的頭用雙手托在圖中所示的位置; 其他人把手放在交叉的區域上。 他說他能感覺到能量在他體內流動並形成了圍場,他看到了光。 治療了大約三十分鐘後,我們讓他站起來然後走路。 我們簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 他雙腳分開站立,非常穩定。 他走路時雙臂擺動左腿,右臂擺動,反之亦然。 他的身體就算自行轉圈,也能夠站直了身子。
對他的工作多麼有益啊! 他每天都繼續使用靈氣和這個整合技術。 他說他知道自己的身體在發生變化,他也更加平靜了。 他正在改變他的生活方式,而這些改變正在影響著他周圍的人。 我想他不會再讓自己被認為或是被談論的那個笨蛋了。
從精神錯亂到頭腦清醒 From Being Out of Sorts to Being Clearheaded
有時我會失態。 可能是當我發現自己處於壓力狀態時。 可能是我太忙了,沒有給自己足夠的安靜時間來重新連接自己。 我變得急躁,沒有完全活在當下。 我變得混沌、健忘和脾氣暴躁。 親愛的,即使是靈氣老師也需要擺脫困境; 畢竟我們是人!
為了補救這種情況,我躺下來對自己進行這種整合技術。 幾分鐘之內的按手治療,我就更加清醒和平靜了。 我感覺在各個層面都重新連接起來,而且更加清醒。 在使用這種整合治療技術的所有情況下,似乎都有一個共同的經驗線索。 人們有一種完全自在的感覺,讓他們的身體更加清醒、更加警覺、清醒和精神煥發。 我的建議是:你可以用在自己身上,有自己的經驗,然後與他人合作。 你會失去的只是破碎的部分人生;而你所能獲得的就是全然的人生!
仰臥並交叉腳踝,左腳踝放在右腳踝上方。 將手腕交叉在頭頂,右手腕放在左手腕上。 將雙手放在頭的兩側。 讓自己保持在這個位置大約 20-30 分鐘,然後將交叉改為右腳踝放在上方,將左手腕放在右手上,再給自己 20-30 分鐘的靈氣。
當我與客戶一起進行治療的合作時,我總是會記錄客戶的身體問題、他們的情緒狀態以及他們最近想處理的問題。 我與客戶一起合作的部分工作是要求他們做簡單的測試,以便讓他們感覺到可能會被關閉的地方。 我看著他們走路,看看身體是如何呈現出來的。 我也可能會請他們拉起手,觸摸對面的膝蓋。 所有這些,當你受過訓練時,這些會幫助你看到身心的不協調。 一旦他們接受治療,他們通常會感覺到他們的能量發生了變化。 他們會走得更穩,從內到外感覺更好。 我們不說-我們讓他們有機會親身體驗他們使用靈氣的效果。 我們經常會見證奇蹟。
如果您沒有參加靈氣課程,您可能會問這種治療是否有效。 我認為它會有所幫助。 我所知道的是靈氣在協助這種交叉治療的技術可以在非常深的層次上發揮作用,並讓我們有機會成為我們服務意圖的工具。 正因為如此,它讓我們擺脫了能量工作的障礙。 當我們沒有使用靈氣時,我們是在用自己的能量工作,有時我們會因為不夠抽離。 這個結果,會讓我們變得非常疲倦。
我已經意識到,所有這些直覺或清晰洞察的時刻都蘊含著合一的時刻。 當我們不再要求、臣服並百分百活在當下時,生命就會與我們一起工作。 在此我們得到了答案,是的,還有方向。生命就是這樣,一系列的機會讓我們擺脫自己的模式,重新連接到所有神聖的事物。 因為生命給予我們足夠的愛,所以我們需要做的就是展現這一切。
多年來,越來越多的人從這種整合技術中受益。 每一個實際上都是一個活生生的奇蹟。當他們的治療發生變化時,他們周圍的事情也會發生變化。 生命也會受到他人的影響,因為我們是如此緊密地交織在一起。 我們從沒有什麼可失去的,只會得到不和諧和所有的一切。 我一直驚訝於這種技術是多麼容易和有效。
這篇文章出現在 2004 年夏季發行的靈氣新聞雜誌網上。
瑪麗海爾(Mari Hall)是國際靈氣協會的創始人之一(International Association of Reiki),是一位敬業的靈氣大師和教師。 她在歐洲和美國工作,教授靈氣技術。瑪麗於 1983 年成為靈氣大師。她在高田女士的直屬靈氣系統下學習,也是第一位將靈氣帶到英國的臼井靈氣大師,也是第一個在烏克蘭、挪威和捷克斯洛伐克教授靈氣的人。 瑪麗已向全球超過 55,000 人教授靈氣。她在廣泛的靈氣世界中是備受尊敬的人物。瑪麗是一位老師、教練、導師、靈氣治療師和勵志演說家,她激勵人們在個人和職業生活中重新喚醒他們的靈性與價值觀。並於捷克受到國家之心獎(Heart of the Country award)的提名。最知名的是將靈氣的治療技術結合應用於大腦、肌肉記憶與運動神經系統的治療上。臼井靈氣 書 直 傳 靈氣 香港 過世 享年 62
《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD》
Treating Stroke and Other Neurological Disorders
by Mari Hall
When I was working and living in Scotland in the late eighties, I began to do research into how emotions play the biggest part in creating disharmony, that thoughts in the mind are actually secondary to the emotions. The key was to repattern a person's emotional energy, which would in turn release the thoughts. I understood that the reason affirmations did not work sometimes was that people had not done the spiritual gardening work necessary to plant these new flowers or thoughts deep into their psyches. Without the gardening, the person seemed switched off, emotionally fractured on some level.
I started using a technique I learned to repattern mentally challenged children before I learned Reiki. By incorporating a cross pattern with the use of Reiki, I could see how the body took the energy deeper into areas where there had been emotional fracturing. At first I started treating people with dyslexia this way.
What started as an idea for the treatment of common dyslexia lead to years of work with people with motor neurological problems. I discovered that dyslexia is actually like being "switched off." It usually starts with a moment or moments of emotional fracturing. Furthermore, we can be considered slightly dyslexic on many levels. The specialized integration treatment I am writing about has helped people to reconnect body, mind, and soul to experience wholeness again. Before I detail this technique, I will share some of the stories and miracles that show why this special integration treatment so useful.
Johnny’s Miracle
I was visiting a family in the countryside of Scotland. One day, their thirteen-year-old son John asked me if I had problems understanding things in school when I was little. I replied, “It is funny you should ask that, Johnny. I was just thinking how hard it was to get my mind focused on what the teacher said and what I tried to read in books. It seemed like there was a part that was missing, like a door I couldn’t go through.” It turned out that Johnny had a similar problem.
I had been doing research into using Reiki with Whole Brain Therapy. I had strong impressions of how I might treat dyslexia and other problems. I was searching for people to work with, to see if what I suspected had some validity. I explained this to Johnny and his parents. I asked Johnny if he would be interested in helping me to find a way to help other kids that had the same problem. He and his parents both agreed.
I treated Johnny once a week for one hour. Instead of having him lie on a traditional couch or massage table, I asked him where he would be comfortable. He said that if the weather was nice he had a special spot in the glen—a field that was “his,” but he was willing to share. So off we would go, hand in hand, to his spot, with a blanket and something to drink.
When I was treating him with Reiki, he would talk about what he felt, and how the energy seemed to move. He was full of insight and could talk a blue streak. During the fourth treatment, he got so quiet I thought he had fallen asleep. I asked Johnny if he was sleeping. “Nope,” he replied, “you see, I am reading this wonderful book I found in the library of my mind, Mari. I have found the doorway into understanding. It’s great in here, and there are so many books to read.”
My experience working with Johnny became the foundation for a specialized integration work I began doing with Reiki. His miracle of “finding the door” helped many other people. John is now a neurologist, practicing medicine implemented with Reiki in his clinic in western Scotland. He tells his story to the children he works with.
Sean Is Walking
I was asked to come and talk with a family on the outskirts of Edinburgh, Scotland. They had heard about my work with Johnny. Sean didn’t have dyslexia. He had suffered a massive stroke, losing his ability to walk and talk. His left side was paralyzed. His doctors had given up hope and told Sean and his family that he would never recover. When you are eighty years old, as Sean was, it is easy to believe that there is no chance to recover, but Sean and his family wanted to see if Reiki might help his problems.
Fortunately Sean could write with his right hand. It was a painstakingly difficult process, but his only way to communicate. He kept paper and pen with him all the time and had devised his own shorthand by the time I was asked to use Reiki with him. I asked him if I could use a particular process for brain integration I had used in the treatment of dyslexia. I had seen it benefit people with motor neurological problems. He replied that he had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I worked with him five days a week for the first month. He would lie on his back while I treated his whole body in traditional Reiki positions. I then spent extra time using a special position that favored brain integration. The most notable effect was that Sean felt more connected to his body and more clear. He said he felt he was working with the Reiki and not being worked on. When I said that you are always working with the energy as you are using it, his written reply was, “Well, now I really know it from the inside out.” His family took first and second degree Reiki trainings in order to work more closely with Sean. They took turns working with him twice a day. This became quality time for Sean and his family members. When I would stop by to see his progress, they remarked that they were actually enjoying this special time with him, and were able to see how his body was changing.
He started talking in the third month, first words and then short sentences. After a few more months, a speech therapist was called in to work with Sean. We celebrated each success. I continued to treat him two to three times a month. His body became suppler, and his left arm regained some slight movement. We ran energy through his limbs and cradled his head in our hands. The right side of his brain was the side that had been traumatized, affecting the left side of his body. Extra time was spent there. We often remarked that working with Sean was like connecting the dots in a child’s activity book. He was acutely aware when a particular dot had been connected. His eyes would light up as he said, “Yes, that’s the spot.” I gave him a drawing of a human body and asked him to point to where he felt more and less alive. I asked him to show us how to work with him. He loved the integration position, as he said he could feel how the energy pushed through into other areas. He told us that his body was feeling stronger.
Reiki and Stroke
I have heard of some Reiki teachers who say that one should not treat stroke victims with Reiki or that one needs to wait a certain period of time before treating stroke victims. I don’t know what this is based on as I have only experienced positive results when treating those who have experienced a stroke. I have worked with people immediately after they have suffered from a stroke and have found the earlier you treat someone, the better, so that Reiki can support the traditional medical procedures. While I have heard many ideas about not working with some illnesses at all or waiting for some days, I have found the reverse to be true. There is nothing to fear... for fear creates our reality. I trust the process and love Reiki, and I have never experienced an adverse reaction.
After Sean had his stroke, the family built a ramp from the back door, so that he could be wheeled into the back garden and be outside. As he started making improvement, his need to be outside became even greater. As he regained some use of his left arm, Sean started learning to push his chair using the wheels. His task, as he put it, was to get outside by himself. He was proud when he could roll his chair outside, and in the months that followed, get back into the house. Each time was a victory, celebrated and savored.
The treatments continued throughout the year and went on into the next. Both his family and Sean were convinced that there had been marked improvement and wanted to see what else would happen. Sean did first and second degree Reiki training in order to work on himself. He treated his own legs. A physical therapist had been working with Sean to keep his body from atrophying, and he too noticed the changes in Sean’s body. The doctors were also amazed at the changes, and suggested a more aggressive physiotherapeutic approach at the local center. He exercised there three times a week to strengthen his left leg as it started to come alive.
It was a beautiful day in the fall when I next drove to Sean’s house. The air was crisp and clear. I had run through in my mind the progress he had made during this time, and felt he had made many miracles. I was inspired by his tenacity. I had used Sean’s story in many of my Reiki classes as a way to bring home to the students the miracles Reiki can provide us. I pulled the car into the drive and found his empty chair at the bottom of the ramp. I looked in the back garden in Sean’s special place to see if he had been put in a chair there. No luck. I was in a panic. Where was Sean?
As I started to the house, I heard him laugh. I looked towards the door of the house, and there he was, holding onto the metal railing, a look of great satisfaction on his face. I said, “What are you doing here all by yourself, Sean?” He said, “I am practicing my surprise for the family. I can walk ever so slowly, and I want to give them this as a thank you. Don’t tell a soul.”
Sean’s birthday was November first. His family assembled for a luncheon celebration. I had been asked to join them. After a lovely meal, we all went into the garden to sit and be with each other in the beautiful fall weather. Sean said he would roll down to join us “in a shake.” He declined help, giving me a wink and saying would be along presently.
We all were talking when a hush came over the crowd. Sean walked out of the house and began walking towards us on his own. He stopped and said, “Since it’s my eighty-third birthday, I wanted to give you all a present.” What a precious gift it was to us all to see him walking. We had been taught so much about ourselves all the time we had been working with Sean. Miracles had touched us all—Sean’s triumph was the best birthday present I have ever witnessed being given.
Pat Has Come Home
I was a guest speaker at a Reiki conference held in Loveland, Colorado, a few years ago. The conference was held in a beautiful part of Colorado, at Sunrise Ranch, a property owned by a group called the Emissaries. I had been living in Europe for over twelve years and felt removed from the Reiki community in the U.S. I also had so much free time after giving my talk that I was at a loss for something to do. I seem to continually move between being and doing. Although doing seems to win out most of the time, I think my edge of learning is the actual surrender into being present.
I actually think it is our biggest challenge as people in the world to be present, to be a human being not a human doing. I was sitting there in the conference room with all this in my mind when a lovely woman approached me and struck up a conversation. Her name was Pat. During the course of our sharing, she said she had had a stroke a few years back and had felt since that she was not totally in her body. She had received a tremendous amount of therapy, both allopathic and complementary. I suggested we meet for a few integration treatments with Reiki and explained what I would be doing. She agreed.
We went into an area where massage tables had been set up, and I treated her for about an hour. After the treatment she said she felt more clearheaded, and we made an appointment to meet again the following morning for another treatment. When I saw her the next morning, she was bubbling over. She told me that she had experienced absolutely no problems walking up the stairs, and in fact had bounded up them like she would have before her stroke. She also felt as if she had slipped back into her body and was lined up again. I treated her once again the following morning, and afterwards she said she could feel her hands from the inside. She was just radiant. I showed her how she could do this treatment on herself when she was home. When I looked at her, it seemed to me that she had realigned her energy, as it all seemed even. She truly had come home in herself.
Last year at the Reiki retreat in New York I saw her again and was thrilled to hear she was fine. She had moved to be near her family and was still at home in herself. Two years of integration and living in wholeness had cemented the blessing. She has shared this technique with her students and friends. All the people who were using it had benefited from taking the time to reconnect. I think when we are given a flash of intuition, we must first use what we see; we must come into a deep understanding of the insight before teaching it to someone else. In my case, I have been using this approach for over thirteen years, and each year my understanding deepens. I offer it as a way to help; the person receiving the energy of Reiki is actually using it to heal him- or herself.
A String of Pearls
I was in San Antonio, Texas, for a book signing and teaching of a self-development course at Dancing Moon, a metaphysical bookstore with treatment rooms and classrooms in the back of the store. My friend Flute, who is a Reiki master, was waiting there to treat a woman. Flute explained that the woman had pulmonary edema and that at times her condition became critical—she swelled up so much she could hardly breathe. It seemed that her heart could not beat enough to move the fluids through her body, so they all backed up. She asked me if I had ever worked with something of this nature.
I replied that I had worked with heart problems and edema, but not together as they were presented. Her client’s problem was interesting, and I went inside myself and asked for guidance as to how I could assist in the treatment. I trust this process of asking. I do not always get an answer right away, but normally will have a flash of inspiration when it is needed. I remember sitting there signing books and talking with someone, when out of the corner of my eye I saw the client being brought into the bookstore in a wheelchair. She was so bloated she could hardly move or breathe. In my mind’s eye I saw her placed in the integration position and knew my intuition was showing me another way to use it. I excused myself and went into the treatment room. I explained to Flute and the other people who came to work on her what I had sensed and showed them the integration treatment. They agreed to give it a try, and I went back to the signing. When they came from the back room an hour later, the woman’s swelling had gone down appreciably, and her breathing was normal. It was a profound difference.
I sat for a minute with my eyes closed and asked for guidance as to why this particular treatment had been so effective. I had a vision of a strand of pearls. Each pearl represented a level of fracturing from the original source within us. By “fracturing,” I understood that the body, mind, and soul do not always work with each other; they sometimes work against each other. We basically have three captains (mind, body, and spirit) in our being not talking with each other or even at war with each other. The integration position brings them into relationship with each other, to work together. This also explained to me why, when we think we’ve done our work, when we have an issue in our lives mastered, the challenge comes back. The coming back is actually at a different level of our being. We basically spiral into ourselves. Our work is following the pearls down, one by one.
If this was the case, then this integration position was not just for dyslexia or motor-neurological problems, it was something we could use to reconnect ourselves and integrate our body, mind, and soul for the purpose of living fully. Since that moment, I have used it with almost every person I work with as an added treatment position.
How Life Supports Us
When I was teaching Reiki in Thessalonika, Greece, I was demonstrating how, when we close our hearts emotionally and/or mentally, we also shut off our energy and become energetically weaker. When we open our hearts, the energy keeps us strong because it flows through us naturally. I asked a man attending the course who was in the Australian Special Forces stationed in Greece to act this out. I asked him to remember a time he had been hurt in life and to close his heart. Our thoughts also bring the emotions associated with the event to the surface to experience. I then pushed his shoulder. He was clearly off balance; he was not grounded at all and could easily be shifted off his feet.
When I instructed him to open his heart and remember being loving, his body opened up, but when I pushed him on the shoulder, he was still weak. Normally he would have been much stronger, grounded and steady on his feet. I then said with authority, “Stand to.” He immediately came to attention, and when I pushed him on the shoulder, he was so fixed it was impossible to move him off center. I immediately asked him if he had problems with studying in school. He said yes and that often he found he wanted to turn right but would say he was turning left. I asked him if I could demonstrate the special integration position on him and then retest him. After working with him for ten minutes, he said he was more alert. I asked him to repeat the exercise of opening and closing his heart. The result was considerably different. His body was firm in tone, his eyes were more focused and bright, he was not fixed as he had been when I ordered him to stand to, yet he was very firm on his legs. The most remarkable change was the difference in the way he stood; you could see he was more comfortable in his body, yet strong in his constitution. His Special Forces friend who also came as a participant remarked that he seemed brighter, more at home in himself. Three couples in the room had children with dyslexia, one woman had a husband recovering from a stroke, and another woman had multiple sclerosis. By using the technique in the class, it helped them all to understand the feeling of being connected, having clear thoughts, and being more at home in their bodies.
I Am Not Awkward, I Am Dyslexic
In August of this year I was teaching in France. One of my students was an Englishman in his sixties. All his life he had been told he was awkward. He knew he was dyslexic and had many problems with reading and writing in school, but had no idea how much his dyslexia had impacted his life and the choices he had made thus far. He did not finish school and at sixteen left home to join the Merchant Marines. He managed to work in the building trade until his retirement. My guess, although we did not talk about it, was that he was made fun of because he was not only slow in his thinking, but also in his walking. His walk had a homogeneous presentation in that he moved his right arm with his right leg, and most of the time he made no arm movements at all. He stood heels together with his feet pointing out like a penguin. His balance was unstable. His body was also turned and bent at a funny angle. When asked to do a simple test like touching his right hand to his left knee, he could not do that because he could not find his right hand. He kept presenting his left one.
During our conversations, I was given to understand that he had grown up as the family clown. Jokes were often at his expense. When he wanted attention it was quite often given as a result of his acting unclear or confused. It was obvious he had received much of his attention in a negative way. Although he has a hard time remembering daily things, he is extremely bright and is fiercely interested in history. But emotionally and mentally he had decided that he had no personal worth, and all his value was determined in how many people he could help. He had not even put himself in the picture most of the time.
My work as a teacher and therapist is to help people turn back to their innate truth and to find ways to help them nourish their being. I talked about the technique and asked him if he would be willing to have it demonstrated on him. If he saw any results, perhaps he could continue treating himself.
In the Reiki class we all worked on him when he was on the massage table on his back. I held his head in the position as indicated in the picture; the others put their hands over the areas that were crossed. He said he could feel the energy move through him and bubble, and he saw light. After treating him for approximately thirty minutes, we asked him to stand and then to walk. We could not believe our eyes. He stood with his feet apart and very stable. He walked with his arms swinging left leg with right arm and the reverse. His body unscrewed itself, and he was also standing upright.
What a complement to his work! He continues to use Reiki with the integration technique every day. He said he knows his body is changing, and he is more peaceful. He is making changes in his approach to life, and these changes are affecting those around him. I think he will no longer allow himself to be thought of or talked about as the awkward one again.
From Being Out of Sorts to Being Clearheaded
Sometimes I get out of sorts. It may be when I find myself in a stressful situation. It may be that I am so busy that I have not given myself enough quiet time to reconnect. I become edgy and not fully present. I become vague, forgetful, and short-tempered. Even Reiki teachers can get out of sorts, my dears; we are human after all!
To remedy the situation, I lie down and do this integration technique on myself. Within a few minutes, I am more clear and calm. I feel reconnected on all levels and more awake. There seems to be a common thread of experience in all cases where this integration technique is used; people have a sense of being fully at home in their bodies, more clearheaded, more alert, awake, and refreshed. My suggestion is this: Use it on yourself and have your own experience, then work with others. All you have to lose is being disassociated; all you have to gain is living fully!
Lie on your back and cross your ankles, left ankle over right. Cross your wrists at the top of your head, right wrist over left. Place your hands on both sides of your head. Leave yourself in this position for approximately 20–30 minutes and then change the crossing to right ankle over left and left wrist over right and give Reiki to yourself for another 20–30 minutes.
When I work with clients, I always take a client history detailing physical problems, the state of their emotions, and issues they have been dealing with lately. Part of the work I do with clients is to ask them to do simple tests in order for them to feel where they may be switched off. I watch them walk and see how the body presents itself. I may also ask them to take their hand and touch their knee on the opposite side. All this, when you have been trained, helps you to see the disharmony in the body and mind. Once they have been treated, they normally feel when there has been a shift in their energy. They will walk with more stability and feel better from the inside out. We do not tell—we give them opportunities to experience for themselves the effects of their work with Reiki. We often witness miracles.
You may ask if this treatment will work if you have not taken a Reiki course. I think it will help. What I know is that Reiki helps the crossing technique to work at a very deep level, and gives us the opportunity to be the instrument for our intention to be of service. Because of this, it gets us out of the way for the energy to work. When we do not have Reiki, we are working with our own energy, and we sometimes are too close to be detached enough from the outcome. As a result, we can become very tired.
What I have been given to realize is that all these moments of intuition or clear insight are moments of ONEness. When we cease to demand, surrender, and are one hundred percent in the now, then life works with us. We are given answers and, yes, direction. All that life is, is a series of opportunities to get out of our own way and reconnect to all that is divine. And because life loves us enough, all we need to do is show up.
Many more people have benefited from this integration technique over the years. Each one is actually a walking miracle. When a change occurs with their healing, then things also change around them. Lives are affected by others because we are so closely intertwined. There is nothing to lose but disharmony and everything to gain. I am constantly surprised how easy and effective this technique is.
This article appeared in the Summer 2004 issue of the Reiki News Magazine.
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- 【靈氣】土居裕in台北.現代靈氣法交流會
- 【靈氣】一封寫給英國人的推薦信
- 【靈氣】治療寵物與植物的手位
- 【靈氣】靈氣讓你心想事成(夢想成真)
- 【靈氣】暑期兒童靈氣班有感
- 【靈氣】靈氣導師的責任
- 【靈氣】關於靈氣的12個基礎手位
- 【靈氣】家裡剛制喪完的人可以做靈氣嗎
- 【靈氣】學習的障礙
- 【個案】靈氣直到臨終最後一刻
- 【靈氣】學習靈氣的副作用
- 【靈氣】療癒之道,終生不悔
- 【靈氣】林忠次郎赴美講習的相關剪報
- 【靈氣】諾瓦克·喬科維奇與靈氣符號
- 【靈氣】關於神祕傳這件事
- 【靈氣】關於動物的療癒手位
- 【個案】用靈氣治療歷代祖先的能量模式
- 【個案】生病毛孩的遠距靈氣療癒
- 【靈氣】關於個案紀錄
- 【靈氣】日式傳統靈氣技法-初傳研討會紀實
- 【靈氣】用靈氣治療偏頭痛
- 【靈氣】霊気療法必携公開傳授説明
- 【個案】靈氣幫助多發性硬化症康復
- 【靈氣】所謂「直傳」充其量只是「家傳」
- 【靈氣】靈氣應用在美軍醫療體系的報導
- 【靈氣】霊気療法必携原文
- 【靈氣】增強靈氣的方法
- 【靈氣】關於MantrasReikiSystem
- 【靈氣】現代靈氣Master國際共通準則
- 【靈氣】靈氣宗師稱號的起源與正統性
- 【靈氣】臼井霊気療法学会-歷代會長
- 【靈氣】KarunaReiki對於遙距點化的評論
- 【靈氣】靈氣歷史的循證研究
- 【靈氣】治愈你的信仰創傷
- 【靈氣】治療的心法
- 【靈氣】尋找能量的閘道
- 【靈氣】課前練習-冥想的基本步驟
- 【靈氣】靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD
- 【靈氣】中心靈氣傳承表
- 【靈氣】1986年靈氣在日本的雜誌介紹文章
- 【靈氣】結合日式和西洋靈氣
- 【靈氣】動物愛靈氣(Animals Love Reiki)
- 【靈氣】如何讓您的靈氣能量更有效
- 【靈氣】鞍馬山靈氣朝聖記
- 【靈氣】關於靈氣符號(Reiki Symbols)
- 【靈氣】活化水晶陣的方式
- 【個案】靈氣治療腳底疼痛
- 【靈氣】世界極地水晶陣
- 【靈氣】應用靈氣掃描(病腺法)的技巧
- 【靈氣】臼井氏靈氣療法階級一覽
- 【個案】靈氣治愈膝傷
- 【靈氣】連結慈悲的能量
- 【靈氣】唱頌療癒法
- 【個案】用靈氣治療 登陸不適症候群
- 【靈氣】使用靈氣冥想
- 【個案】人生的擺渡
- 【靈氣】靈氣治療小型鳥類
- 【個案】病房外的眼淚
- 【靈氣】傳統學會的靈授規定
- 【靈氣】三脈的理論
- 【靈氣】靈氣和長生學有何不同
- 【靈氣】Antahkarana水晶能量矩陣
- 【個案】阿嬤的願望
- 【靈氣】靈氣療法體驗報告
- 【靈氣】能量符號學
- 【靈氣】什麼是Karuna靈氣
- 【靈氣】靈氣的十大特點
- 【靈氣】靈氣幫助狗狗再次奔跑和玩耍
- 【靈氣】不受歡迎的房客
- 【靈氣】靈氣與氣功的差別
- 【靈氣】靈氣治療中風
- 【靈氣】關於二十一天淨化期
- 【靈氣】關於守護神與ReikiGuide
- 【靈氣】關於Attunement(點化/啟動)
- 【靈氣】什麼是靈氣
- 【靈氣】靈氣清除附靈狀態
- 【個案】藍灰色眼睛的比丘尼
- 【靈氣】靈氣幫助酗酒者和癮君子恢復
- 【靈氣】靈視(眼通)確認靈氣效果
- 【靈氣】山口千代子的學習歷程
- 【能量】頌缽治療的科學研究
- 【能量】冥想的好處與醫學研究
- 【能量】人體能量的反射與共振-耳穴療法
- 【能量】能量治療在臨床醫學的應用
- 【能量】科學地測量人體的能量場
- 【能量】關於超意識狀態
- 【能量】關於手感的一些事
- 【能量】心靈力量與疾病的關係
- 【能量】關於病氣反噬這件事
- 【能量】味覺.快速建立關係的竅門
- 【能量】聽覺-活化肉體的特效藥
- 【能量】關於「血腦障壁」這件事
- 【能量】關於撰寫心得這件事
- 【能量】迷走神經-連結身體與靈魂間的橋梁
- 【能量】嗅覺是大腦的快速開關
- 【能量】人體療癒的關鍵-副交感神經系統
- 【能量】地球的脈輪與萊伊線
- 【能量】關於激光柱的挑選
- 【能量】關於Sekhmet女神的小知識
- 【能量】純淨的SEKHEM能量
- 【能量】古埃及能量療法Sekhem上課心得
- 【能量】關於人體的能量系統-昆達里尼系統
- 【能量】關於人體的能量系統-心輪合一系統
- 【能量】關於人體的能量系統-其他脈輪系統
- 【能量】關於能量震幅這件事
- 【能量】關於人體的能量系統-脈輪系統
- 【能量】關於人體的能量系統-精微體
- 【能量】關於人體的七層氣場
- 【能量】Sekhem生命之光-靈性的進化
- 【能量】HelenBelotSekhem(古埃及能量)
- 【能量】關於導師班的三個選修課程
- 【能量】Sekhem對於遙距點化的看法
- 【能量】關於Seichim/SKHM的歷史
- 【能量】高振幅、高頻率、高功率的迷思
- 【能量】天氣冷~我的身心不舒服怎麼辦?
- 【能量】關於人體的能量系統-身體情緒中心
- 【能量】七脈輪與腺體的關係
- 【能量】水晶能量與眾多水晶介紹
- 【能量】能量療癒師 Healing你的身心靈
- 【能量】能量奧義書
- 【能量】關於修行這件事
- 【影片】大阪.靈氣百年祭 影片專訪
- 【影片】大師訪談:光明靈氣道 稲本百天
- 【影片】Phyllis Furumoto接受電視訪問
- 【影片】美國WMTW abc 8 新聞介紹靈氣
- 【影片】靈氣影響癌細胞分裂與成長的研究
- 【影片】芳香療法改善失智症的研究
- 【影片】受訪紀錄-關於東西方的靈氣
- 【影片】美國 Channel 7 新聞-靈氣與白血病
- 【影片】澳洲 Channel 7 新聞-靈氣與癌症
- 【影片】2018靈氣國際研討會紀實
- 【影片】英國BBC節目介紹-靈氣治療
- 【影片】美國ABC新聞介紹-靈氣與自閉症
- 【影片】美國ABC新聞介紹-靈氣健康服務
- 【影片】英國聖喬治醫院靈氣研究計畫募款
- 【影片】奧茲博士.介紹靈氣並示範
《轉載摘錄請標示出處/本站成立於2003年12月 》
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