科學地測量人體的能量場 Science Measures the Human Energy Field

科學家已經可以測量出人體的生物能場 | 2021.07.21


科學地測量人體的能量場 Science Measures the Human Energy Field
詹姆斯·奧施曼 James Oschman

能量是一個牽涉到許多輔助保健領域的主題,包括靈氣。 由於歷史的和情緒的原因,有兩個關鍵詞在學術研究的領域中沒有被提到:“能量”和“觸摸”。 因此,靈氣療法被「上流」的生物醫學界與科學界忽視也就不足為奇了。


與許多其他領域的調查與研究一樣,我們在大約 20 年前絕對確定的事情發生了巨大變化。 例如,幾十年來,科學家們已經從相信人體周圍不存在能量場這樣的東西,到現在絕對肯定它的存在。 此外,我們已經開始了解能量場在健康和疾病中的作用。 但大多數人根本沒有意識到這項研究,在態度上堅持認為能量療愈是沒有邏輯基礎的。

這些觀點改變的主要原因是,人類已經開發出了可以檢測人體周圍微小能量場的敏感儀器。特別是 超導量子干涉設備(SQUID) (1),它能夠檢測與體內生理活動相關的微小生物電磁場。 (圖 1)它讓數千年來很多擁有敏感體質人所一直描述的「個人感受」這個領域重新被重視,但科學家們卻常常忽略了這一領域,因為沒有客觀的方法來衡量它。


為了整合已發現的結果,一家新的國際期刊的編輯委託對“治療能量”的概念進行審查 (2)。 雖然我們已經研究了這個主題大約 15 年,但深入審查的準備導致了對這個主題徹底的重新審視,並得出了一些意想不到的結論。

在大多數情況下,研究靈氣、觸碰治療(TT)和 HT 等方法的科學家並未取得關鍵發現。 相反的是,遵循邏輯習慣和科學方法的傳統科學家,反而開始闡明了各種能量在癒合過程中產生的作用。 因此,具有與現代臨床醫學相同的科學基礎的概貌正在出現。 有關詳細信息,請參閱我們已發表的文章 (3)。

人體能量場 The human energy field
眾所周知,細胞和組織的活動會產生可以在皮膚表面檢測到的生物電場。 但是物理定律中認為任何電流都會在周圍空間中產生相應的磁場。但由於這些區域太小而無法檢測,所以過去的生物學家認為它們沒有生理上的意義。

這種狀況在 1963 年開始發生變化。紐約州雪城大學電子工程系的 Gerhard Baule 和 Richard McFee 檢測到了從人類心臟投射的生物電磁場。 他們使用了兩個線圈,每個線圈都有 200 萬匝電線,連接到一個靈敏的放大器。

1970 年,麻省理工學院的 David Cohen 使用 超導量子干涉設備(SQUID)證實了其對於心臟的測量值。 到 1972 年,科恩提高了儀器的靈敏度,使他能夠測量大腦活動產生的頭部周圍的生物電磁場。

隨後,人們發現所有組織和器官都會產生特定的磁脈動,這被稱為生物磁場。 傳統的電記錄,如心電圖和腦電圖,現在正由生物磁記錄補充其不足之處,稱為磁性心動圖(magnetocardiograms)和腦磁圖(magnetoencephalograms)。 由於各種原因,與傳統的電測量相比,繪製身體周圍空間中的磁場通常可以提供更準確的生理和病理指示。

病理狀態可改變生物磁場 Pathology alters the biomagnetic field
在 1920 年代和 1930 年代,耶魯大學醫學院的傑出研究員 Harold Saxon Burr 提出,在身體症狀出現之前可以在身體的能量場中檢測到疾病。 此外,他確信可以通過改變能量場來預防疾病。

當時這些概念是超前時代的,但現在正在世界各地的醫學研究實驗室中得到證實。 科學家們正在使用 超導量子干涉設備(SQUID)儀器繪製疾病改變身體周圍生物磁場的方式。 其他人也正在應用脈動磁場來刺激癒合。 同樣,敏感的人長期以來一直在描述這些現象,但對於它如何發生並沒有合乎邏輯的解釋。

從治療師手中投射能量 Projection of energy from the hands of healers
在 1980 年代初期,John Zimmerman 博士使用丹佛科羅拉多大學醫學院的 超導量子干涉設備(SQUID)開始了一系列關於觸碰治療(therapeutic touch)的重要研究。Zimmerman 發現一名 TT 練習者的手中可以散發出來強大的生物磁場波動。 波動的頻率不是固定的,而是上下“來回掃動”,從 0.3 到 30 Hz(每秒週期數),大部分活動在 7-8 Hz 的範圍內(圖 2)。 這些來自手部的生物磁波動與腦電波處於相同的頻率範圍內,而一些對治療所需頻率的科學研究表示,它們自然地在整個治療頻率範圍內來回掃動共振,從而能夠刺激身體任何部位的癒合。

1992 年,Zimmerman 的發現得到了證實,當時 Seto 和他的同事在日本研究了各種武術和其他治療方法的練習者。由於手發出的“氣”是如此強烈,以至於可以用一個簡單的磁力計(magnetometer)來檢測它們,該磁力計由兩個線圈、共80,000 匝的導線所組成。從那時起,許多針對氣功練習者的研究將這些研究擴展到治療師發出的聲場、光場和熱場。特別有趣的是,這些波動的頻率隨時都在變化。此外,開發波動磁場療法(pulsating magnetic field)的醫學研究人員發現,這些相同的頻率對於各種軟組織和硬組織的“搭電啟動(jump starting)”的癒合是有效果的,甚至對長達 40 年傷口未癒合的患者也是如此。特定的頻率可以刺激神經、骨骼、皮膚、毛細血管和韌帶的生長。當然,靈氣從業者和他們的患者每天都有“搭電啟動(jump starting)”的癒合過程的經驗,由於這些新的科學發現,學術界與醫學界現在開始接受這種療法是合乎邏輯與有益的。在圖 2 中,我們將信號中與刺激特定組織癒合的醫療設備中使用的頻率相對應的部分標示括起來。

※搭電啟動(jump starting)=汽車電瓶沒電的時候,借助其他電瓶引電發動的方式,又稱為助動啟動。


而能量投射與檢測存在個體性差異。為了研究治療師手中的能量投射狀態,科學家必須首先認識到人與人之間存在巨大的個體差異。 反复練習各種技巧可以增強效果。

對於實踐和意圖的作用,有合乎邏輯的神經生理學和生物物理學解釋。 [編者註:使用這些檢測技術來測量靈氣的點化(attunement )對於手的生物磁能的強度和頻率的影響,以及測量治療頻率在治療身體各種疾病時如何變化會很有趣。 ]

大部分的人不能理解“腦電波”不僅限於大腦,而且實際它上通過了神經周圍系統傳播到全身,也就是圍繞所有神經的結締組織鞘。 Robert O. Becker 博士描述了這個系統如何比任何其他系統更能調節整個身體的損傷修復過程。 因此,整個神經系統就像“天線”,其投射始於大腦,特別是丘腦的生物磁波動。


結論 Conclusion
在這個簡短的結論中,我介紹了能量治療師的一些經驗是如何以生物學和物理學為基礎的。 經過幾個世紀的忽視,能量療法可以在臨床醫學中佔有其適當的位置。 生物學家和一些敏感的身體工作者的偉大發現正被整合中,讓我們對生命、疾病和康復有著更深入的了解。 科學不能分割生命的終極奧秘,也不能貶低治癒中的靈性運作的部分。 我們相信,對能量療法的研究可以讓我們更全面地了解生命、疾病和治療。


(1) SQUID is an acronym for Superconducting Quantum Interference Device.

(2) Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Harcourt Brace & Co., Ltd., Edinburgh.

(3) A list of our articles may be obtained from Nature’s Own Research Association, P.O. Box 5101, Dover, NH 03821, USA, Phone, 603-742-3789, Fax 603-742- 2592,

Jim 和 Nora Oschman 是新罕布什爾州多佛自然研究協會的董事。 吉姆是為數不多的專注於各種互補或替代藥物的科學家之一。 Jim 和 Nora 撰寫了數十篇文章,描述了各種治療方法中涉及的生理和生物物理機制。

《尋找能量的閘道 》


Science Measures the Human Energy Field
by James Oschman

Energy is a theme that permeates many areas of complementary health care, including Reiki. For historic and emotional reasons, two key words have not been mentionable in polite academic research society: "energy" and "touch." Hence it is not surprising that Reiki therapy has been neglected by mainstream biomedical science.

This picture is changing rapidly because of exciting research from around the world. The tale of how concepts of "healing energy" have swung from suspicion and ridicule to respectability is one of the most fascinating and clinically significant stories that can be told.

As in many other areas of investigation, what we were absolutely certain about 20 years ago has changed dramatically. For example, in a few decades scientists have gone from a conviction that there is no such thing as an energy field around the human body, to an absolute certainty that it exists. Moreover, we have begun to understand the roles of energy fields in health and disease. Most people are simply not aware of this research, and persist in the attitude that there is no logical basis for energy healing.

The main reason for the change in outlook is that sensitive instruments have been developed that can detect the minute energy fields around the human body. Of particular importance is the SQUID magnetometer (1) which is capable of detecting tiny biomagnetic fields associated with physiological activities in the body. (Figure 1) This is the same field that sensitive individuals have been describing for thousands of years, but that scientists have ignored because there was no objective way to measure it.

To summarize the discoveries that have been made, the editors of a new international journal commissioned a review of the concept of "healing energy" (2). While we have been researching this topic for some 15 years, the preparation of an in-depth review led to a thorough reexamination of the subject, with some unexpected conclusions.

For the most part, key discoveries are not being made by scientists studying methods such as Reiki, TT and HT. Instead, traditional scientists, following customary logic and scientific methods, have begun to clarify the roles of various kinds of energy in the healing process. Hence the picture that is emerging has the same scientific foundations that underlie modern clinical medicine. For details, see our published articles (3).

The human energy field
It has long been known that activities of cells and tissues generate electrical fields that can be detected on the skin surface. But the laws of physics demand that any electrical current generates a corresponding magnetic field in the surrounding space. Since these fields were too tiny to detect, biologists assumed they could have no physiological significance.

This picture began to change in 1963. Gerhard Baule and Richard McFee of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY detected the biomagnetic field projected from the human heart. They used two coils, each with 2 million turns of wire, connected to a sensitive amplifier.

In 1970, David Cohen of MIT, using a SQUID magnetometer, confirmed the heart measurements. By 1972, Cohen had improved the sensitivity of his instrument, enabling him to measure magnetic fields around the head produced by brain activities.

Subsequently, it has been discovered that all tissues and organs produce specific magnetic pulsations, which have come to be known as biomagnetic fields. The traditional electrical recordings, such as the electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram, are now being complemented by biomagnetic recordings, called magnetocardiograms and magnetoencephalograms. For various reasons, mapping the magnetic fields in the space around the body often provides a more accurate indication of physiology and pathology than traditional electrical measurements.

Pathology alters the biomagnetic field
In the 1920’s and 1930’s, a distinguished researcher at Yale University School of Medicine, Harold Saxon Burr, suggested that diseases could be detected in the energy field of the body before physical symptoms appear. Moreover, Burr was convinced that diseases could be prevented by altering the energy field.

These concepts were ahead of their time, but are now being confirmed in medical research laboratories around the world. Scientists are using SQUID instruments to map the ways diseases alter biomagnetic fields around the body. Others are applying pulsating magnetic fields to stimulate healing. Again, sensitive individuals have been describing these phenomena for a long time, but there was no logical explanation of how it could happen.

Projection of energy from the hands of healers
In the early 1980’s, Dr. John Zimmerman began a series of important studies on therapeutic touch, using a SQUID magnetometer at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver. Zimmerman discovered that a huge pulsating biomagnetic field emanated from the hands of a TT practitioner. The frequency of the pulsations is not steady, but "sweeps" up and down, from 0.3 to 30 Hz (cycles per second), with most of the activity in the range of 7-8 Hz (Figure 2). The biomagnetic pulsations from the hands are in the same frequency range as brain waves and scientific studies of the frequencies necessary for healing indicate that they naturally sweep back and forth through the full range of therapeutic frequencies, thus being able to stimulate healing in any part of the body.

Confirmation of Zimmerman’s findings came in 1992, when Seto and colleagues, in Japan, studied practitioners of various martial arts and other healing methods. The "Qi emission" from the hands is so strong that they can be detected with a simple magnetometer consisting of two coils, of 80,000 turns of wire. Since then, a number of studies of QiGong practitioners have extended these investigations to the sound, light, and thermal fields emitted by healers. What is particularly interesting is that the pulsation frequency varies from moment to moment. Moreover, medical researchers developing pulsating magnetic field therapies are finding that these same frequencies are effective for ‘ jump starting’ healing in a variety of soft and hard tissues, even in patients unhealed for as long as 40 years. Specific frequencies stimulate the growth of nerves, bones, skin, capillaries, and ligaments. Of course Reiki practitioners and their patients have daily experiences of the healing process being "jump started," and academic medicine is now beginning to accept this therapy as logical and beneficial because of these new scientific findings. In Figure 2 we have bracketed portions of the signal that correspond to the frequencies used in medical devices that stimulate the healing of particular tissues. Individual differences in energy projection and detection.

To study the projection of energy from the hands of therapists, scientists must first recognize that there are huge individual differences between people. Repeated practice of various techniques can enhance the effect.

There are logical neurophysiological and biophysical explanations for the roles of practice and intention. [Editors note: It would be interesting to use these detection techniques to measure the effect of a Reiki attunement on the strength and frequency of biomagnetic energies coming from the hands and also to measure how theraputic frequencies may change when treating various conditions in the body.]

It is not widely understood that "brain waves" are not confined to the brain, but actually spread throughout the body via the perineural system, the connective tissue sheathes surrounding all of the nerves. Dr. Robert O. Becker has described how this system, more than any other, regulates injury repair processes throughout the body. Hence the entire nervous system acts as an "antenna" for projecting the biomagnetic pulsations that begin in the brain, specifically in the thalamus.

Moreover, waves that begin as relatively weak pulsations in the brain appear to gather strength as they flow along the peripheral nerves and into the hands. The mechanism of this amplification probably involves the perineural system and the other connective tissue systems, such as the fascia that are intimately associated with it.

In this brief summary, I have shown how some of the experiences of energy therapists have a basis in biology and physics. After centuries of neglect, energetic therapies can take their appropriate place in clinical medicine. The great discoveries of biologists and of sensitive bodyworkers are being integrated to give us a deeper understanding of life, disease, and healing. Science cannot take away the ultimate mystery of life, nor can it detract from the spiritual componet of healing. We believe that research on the energy therapies can lead to much a more complete understanding of life, desease, and healing.


(1) SQUID is an acronym for Superconducting Quantum Interference Device.

(2) Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Harcourt Brace & Co., Ltd., Edinburgh.

(3) A list of our articles may be obtained from Nature’s Own Research Association, P.O. Box 5101, Dover, NH 03821, USA, Phone, 603-742-3789, Fax 603-742- 2592,

Jim and Nora Oschman are directors of Nature’s Own Research Association in Dover, New Hampshire. Jim is one of the few academic scientists who has focused on the scientific basis for various complementary or alternative medicines. Jim and Nora have written dozens of articles describing the physiological and biophysical mechanisms involved in a wide variety of therapeutic approaches.

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